Gender Bias and Discrimination

            Gender Bias/ Gender           Discrimination 

Girls belong to the homo sapiens, so they are equal to boys.  Right from birth, they possess all those rides which they ought to possess as humans. They are born with Fundamental Rights like life, food, education, health and employment opportunities. However, they face prejudice even prior to their birth and their whole life. Most of the time, they are not given their rights or they are deprived of them. In the whole world, girls are subjected to violence, boycott and exploitation only as they are females. This type of discrimination takes place in each corner of the world, whether it is the remote under-developed country or a prosperous industrial country. 

This discrimination takes place at all levels and in all groups of the society: family, community, government and society. Sometimes, this discrimination begins right from the time a girl is conceived. Female foetus is killed because boys are given more importance in the society, and boys are given more prominence owing to religious and traditional causes in developing and development countries, and it is also felt that a boy will support them in old age and will perform the final rites. Besides, birth of a son is also helpful in raising the social status. 

Gender Bias/ Gender Discrimination happens when people act on their prejudices or stereotypes. If you do something to put other people down, if you stop them from taking part in certain activities and taking up jobs, or stop them from living in certain neighbourhoods, prevent them from taking water from the same well or hand pump, or not alloww them to drink tea in the same cups or glasses as others, you are discriminating against them. 

Main Features of Gender Bias/ Gender Discrimination 

Discrimination is also known as Gender Bias.

> Gender Bias is a preference towards one gender over other.

Gender Bias when man and woman are treated differently in a way that is unfair.

> Due to Gender Bias girls are kept less in the society, in education and in nutrition, than the boys.

> Gender Bias occurs because of the personal values,  perception and outdated traditional views about men and women. 

> At present Gender Biasness exist almost all sphere of human being, at workplace, in the school, health etc.

> Gender Bias is also known as Gender Discrimination, one sideedness, partiality, unequal treatment, unfair treatment, unfairness etc.

> Gender Discrimination includes the belief that one gender to another. (especially men are superior to women).

> It is important to note that Gender Bias exist in both directions.

Basis of Gender Baisness / Gender Discrimination

Some important basis of Gender Biasness :
Racial Discrimination Racial ( race) is when a person is treated less favorably than another person in a similar situation because of their race,  colour, decent, national or ethnic origin or immigrant status.

Direct  Discrimination – Direct Discrimination is when you are treated differently and worse than someone else for certain reasons. Direct discrimination can be because of : age, skin, colour...

Indirect  Discrimination – Indirect Discrimination is when there is a practice, policy or rule which applies to everyone in the same way, but it has a wrose effect on some people than others. The Equality Act says it puts you at a particular disadvantage.

Gender  Discrimination – Discrimination refers to inequality gender discrimination therefore refers to inequality between people of opposite gender a most famous example of gender discrimination is the Desire of having a male child in the family rather than having a female child apart from this one serious area of discrimination is the gender discrimination at work places.

Gender  Discrimination  at workplace – There is an alarm rise in the rates of increasing gender discrimination at work basis now a days every now and then we come across reports related to gender discrimination at workplace research have to rectified this.

Discrimination  on Appearance – Happy arrange is how someone or something looks like topics related to appearance have been under considerations in centuries appearance has been given immense importance and taken care of why not only females but also knees the aim of out city was to find out how sensitive college students are towards rejection due to the way they looked physical we can also include the physical discrimination it is discriminate against anyone in the workplace because of their physical appearance for example height weight body shape this figure meant skin condition is car or worth mark.

Discrimination  Based on  Caste – Social and economic divides is still exist across India cast is the term used to describe the complex system of social divisions that prevaids life in India caste is an ancient hereditary system that developed allowance side and became interwind with Hinduism.

 Causes of Gender Discrimination 

The main  causes of Gender Discrimination :—

1. Illiteracy due to Illiteracy people do not understand the important of education for girls. Uneducated people follow the myths and superstitions in the society as they prefer boys more in comparison to girls. All the goods and facilities are given to boys first. 

2. Lack of Awareness – Due to lack of education, there is the lack of awareness in rural area and it is believed that the area of women is bounded around home and care of children. So there is no need to provide education to them. It is believed that after marriage the girls go to her husband's home for which there is no advantage of spending on her studies. 

3. Social  Mischief – In the age of information and technology there is a wide variety of mischief and superstition in Indian Society which are as follows:-

4. Child Marriage – The girl child gets married in the small age with whom their right to education is also discussed. 

5. Dowry – The Dowry system in India contributes to gender inequality by Influencing the perception that girls are as a burden families. 

6. Embryo  Killing –  When one  knows that the baby in the womb is girl,  then they kill the embry is girl then they kill the embryo before delivery illegally because they need the baby a boy not a girl. 

7. Narrow Ideology – Narrow deology is also one of the reasons for the gender bias. People believe that the boys will support the old age of the parents. The teaching of boys will increase the income 0f house where is the teaching girls, are waste of time and money. If the boy is well educated he earn for us while the girl is well educated she earned others home.

8. Psychological  Factors – A mentality is set down into women's mind that man are supported superior. Man are the most important person the family and womens are inferior to man and dependent on man for their needs. 

9. Assumptions and Traditions – women are considered as less than mail sense are preferred more in more in family and considered as the Deepak many times girls are killed before birth the preference for sons.

10. Patriarchal Society – The other gender Bias is patriarchal society under which the father or oldest male is the leader of family and autocratic role by the male had of the family.

11. Defective Educational System – Indian education system is defective due to which education does not come with the practical life of the a person.

Steps to prevent Gender Bias and Discrimination 

1. Talk to Women and Girls – A fundamental reason we have not yet achieved gender equality in every realm is that women and girls voices are too often excluded from global and national decision–making. When programmes and policies are designed without women's needs central to their foundation, we're setting ourselves up to fail. So we should talk to women & girl.

2. Stop Child Marriage and Sexual Harassment – In Bangladesh and elsewhere, child marriage is a major impediment to girls education. In Bangladesh more than 50% of girls are married before the age of 18, and about 30% of girls 15 to 19 already have one child. If we want girls to be able to complete education we have to end child marriage.

3. Make Education Gender Sensitive – There has been much progress in increasing access to education,  but progress has been slow in improving the gender sensitivity of the education system, including ensuring textbooks promote positive stereotypes. This is critically important for girls to come out of schools as citizens who can shape a more equal society.

4. Raise Aspirations of Girls and Their Parents – One of the key strategies must be to change how girls, families and society imagine what girls can be and can do. We need to give girls images and role models that expand their dreams. We also need parents to see that there really are opportunities for their daughters, that there only security is not just to be good wives and mothers.

5. Empower Mothers – We have learned that through empowering women on the community level you will also enhance girls education. When mothers are educated and empowered to make choices in their lives,  they enable their daughters to go to school.

6. Give Proper vVlue to 'Women's Work' – We need a concerted campaign for equal pay for equal work worldwide.

7. Get Women into Power – A proven way to overcome many systemic barriers to a woman's success has been increased participation by women in local, regional and national legislation as empowered change agents.

8. Encourage Women into Non-Traditional Vocations – Supporting women in non–traditional jobs is crucial in not only making long–lasting change in their lives but also help break social taboos. 

9. Stop The Violence  – Gender inequality allows for violence against women to continue unabated. The UN has found that globally, one in three women will experience violence in her lifetime, with most violence against women perpetrated by a current or former intimate partner. So we should stop it.

10. Involvement in Politics – There are many social and political reforms across the globe promoting women's rights that are in need of support. Find some and pick one to become involved in, and then petition, petition, petition until you see change. 

Conclusion :

Several forms of action have been taken to combat institutionalized sexism. People are beginning to speak up or "talk back" in a constructive way to expose gender inequality in politics, as well as gender inequality and under-representation in other institutions. Researchers who have delved into the topic of institutionalized sexism is politics have introduced the term "undoing gender." This term focuses on education and an overarching understanding of gender by encouraging "social interactions that reduce gender difference. Some feminists argue that "undoing gender" is problematic because it is context-dependent and may actually reinforce gender. For this reason, researchers suggest "doing gender differently" by dismantling gender norms and expectations in politics, but this can also depend on culture and level of government. We should work with government to protect this.
