
We are living in a age of science and technology and according society has become bit complex. Life in the coming decades is likely to bring new tensions together with unprecedented opportunities. To enable the people to benefit in the new environment will require new designs of human resource development. Thus the coming generations should have the ability to internalise new ideas constantly and creatively and have to be imbued with a strong commitment to human values and to social justice. All this can be possible only  through good quality education.

To achieve the above goal and to meet the situation in a gigantic way the teacher has to play a very vital role in the educational institutions and come into the limelight. He is really the backbone of the educational system, the maker of the mankind, the fountainhead of knowledge, the architect of the society and the potential guide to provide directive for the growth and development of students of today as the worthy citizens of tomorrow. He is the real principal agency who is ultimately to implement and interpret the plan and policies at  various levels through teaching- learning processes. It has also been remarked by the Kothari commission (1964-66) that " the destiny of the country is being shaped in her classrooms". Therefore, in order to be a good mediator, the teacher has to understand a great deal about the way in which people at various ages and stages of development perceive the world around them. To meet the ' new' challenges boldly and to play his/her role meaningfully.

Under the above circumstances " Educational Psychology is a subject of study to give the perspective  teacher with the necessary skills and form competencies to enable him to deal effectively with the teaching- learning problems of the class.

What is Education

Education is communication which changes someone's inside  world so that they can change the world around them.  Education is the most powerful weapon which can use to change the world.

Meaning and  Historical  Background of  Psychology 

The word psychology is derived from Greek word Psycho and Logos.  'Psycho' means "Soul" and 'Logos' means "Science". The science of soul. 
  It is scientific because it is systematic study of observable events/behaviour and behaviour in unlearned process where it include reflexes,  Physiological process and instinct and it is learned behaviour also because all behaviour acquire through practice.  It can be overt and covert.
    Today Psychology is scientific method of collecting data about individual and groups to analyze and predict their behaviour. 

Introduction of Educational Psychology

Educational Psychology is nothing but one of the branch of applied psychology. It is an attempt to apply the knowledge of psychology to the field of education. In other words, Educational Psychology is the study of experience and behaviour of the learner in relation to educational environment.

 Educational psychology is concerned with the problems, processes and products of education, which is natural and heterogeneous. 

It is the application of psychological principles, techniques and other resources of psychology in the field of education for the solution of educational problems life teaching, learning and class management, etc. When a person apply the knowledge of psychology in the field of education, study the human behaviour in relation to his environment and concern for the total growth and all rounduppyment of children in a scientific way is called Educational Psychology.

Definitions :

Skinner (1958) :– " Educational psychology is that branch of Psychology which deals with teaching and learning. It means psychology is applied in the field of education for improving the methods and products of the teaching- learning process".

Crow and  Crow (1973) :– " Educational psychology describes and explains the learning experiences of an individual form birth through old age".

Peel  :– " Educational psychology is the science of education".

Anderson  :– " Educational psychology is a subject to be studied, an area or field of knowledge, a set of applications of law and principles from a field of knowledge to as social process Assets and techniques and a field of research for the development of an individual in an educational setting".

  Thus, Educational psychology is the application of the findings and theories of psychology in the field of education, a systematic story of educational growth and independent applied discipline that deals with the improvement in teaching a learning activity.  In fact, it seeks to know the child's mind and how best the child can be motivated to learn in a desirable manner in the society. It is the empirical foundation of education and provides practical solution to educational problems with the help of sweet relation between the teacher and the  taught. 

Education and educational psychology

Education by all means is an attempt to more and shape the behaviour of students 

Nature of Educational Psychology

The following are the nature of Educational Psychology:

Educational Psychology is scientific in nature. In Science selection of data, observation of facts and verification of any phenomena are possible by any number of persons at any period of life. Similarly, Educational Psychology has also developed certain principles to collect data from human beings and predict his/her behaviour in a scientific manner.

Educational Psychology is concerned with the study of behaviour of the learner in relation to his educational environment. Educational Psychology is constantly in search of the truth in the sense that the results of the study of human behaviour can be modified as per the latest findings in the field.

Educational Psychology is a social science in the sense that it is like other Social Sciences to study the human beings and their Sociability. 

Educational Psychology is concerned with 'what' and 'why' of happening in the present rather than the past. It studies the problems of present behaviour of the learners and their causes rather than anything else.

Educational psychology is a positive science rather than a normative science. It is not concerned with 'what ought to be' (why and what type of education to child, etc.), rather emphasises is how, when and where of education.

Educational psychology is an applied Psychology in the sense that it applies psychological principles in the field of education which are of specific significance of learning and teaching. It does not accept blindly the facts and principles of General Psychology.

Educational Psychology is a narrower in nature because it is with delimitations.  Here the study of the behaviour is concerned in educational setting.

Educational Psychology is a developing or growing science in the sense that the research findings provide reliable data and inside into the child's nature and we use for predictions of the behaviour of a child in similar situations.  Though it is not so perfect and developed as science like physics, chemistry and biology and absolute in nature, yet is follows the footprint of scientific investigation and considered as scientific.

     Scope of Educational Psychology 

The scope of educational psychology means the topic covered or the subject matters are included under the boundary of purview of the concerned paper.  A course in educational psychology must seek to enrich knowledge and develop  competence  in the the following areas :

The Learner –   The subject matter of educational psychology is knitted around the learner.  Therefore, the need of knowing the learner and the techniques of knowing him well. The topics include – the innate abilities and capacities of the individuals,  individual differences and their measurements, the overt, covert, conscious as well as unconscious behaviour of the learner, the characteristics of his growth and development and each stage beginning from childhood to adulthood.

The  Learning  Experiences – Educational psychology helps in deciding what learning experiences are desirable,  at what stage of the growth and development of the learner, so that these experiences is can be acquired with a greater ease and satisfaction.

Learning  Process –   After knowing the learner and deciding what learning experiences are to be provided,  Educational Psychology moves on to the laws, principles and theories of learning. Other items in the learning process are remembering and forgetting, perceiving, concept formation, thinking and reasoning, problem solving, transfer of learning, ways and means of effective learning etc. 

Learning  Situation  or Environment –  Here we deal with the environmental factors and learning situations which come midway between the learner and the teacher. Topics like classroom climate and group dynamics, techniques and aids, that faciliate learning and evaluation,  techniques and practices, guidance and counselling etc. For the smooth functioning of the teaching- learning process.

The  Teacher – The teacher is a potent force in any scheme of teaching and learning process. It discusses the role of the teacher. It emphasizes the need of 'knowing thyself 'for a teacher to play his role properly in the process of education. His conflicts, motivation, anxiety, adjustment, level of aspiration etc. It throws light on the essential personality traits, interests, attitudes, the characteristics of effective teaching etc so as to inspire him for becoming successful teacher.

It studies the Growth and Development of the child how a child. How a child passes through the various stages of growth and what are the characteristics of each stage are included in the study of educational psychology. 

It studies Human Behaviour  in  educational situations. Psychology is the study of behaviour.,and  education deals with the modification of behaviour;hence, educational psychology pervades the whole field of education. 

To what extent Heredity and Environment contribute the growth of the individual, and how this knowledge can be made use of for bringing about the optimum development of the child; for a salient feature of the scope of educational psychology.

Educational psychology deals with the Nature and Development of the Personality of an individual. In fact, education has been defined as all- round development of the personality of an individual; personality development also implies as well a well adjust personality.

It studies Individual Difference. Every individual differs from every other individual. It is one of the fundamental facts of human nature which have been growth to light by educational psychology. This one fact has revolutionised the concept and process of education. 

It studies the nature of Intelligence and its Measurement. This is the utmost importance for a teacher.

It provides Guidance and Counselling. Education is nothing but providing guidance to the growing child.

Need or Importance of Contribution or Utility of Educational Psychology

Though the knowledge of educational psychology do not guarantee good teaching yet with

out it, teaching becomes simply a case of rules of thumb, routine habits and trial and error procedures, many of which would be detrimental to the child.  Its function is to promote greater understanding of the learning process of the learning situation and of the learner and will put the teacher in a better position to decide the line of action. The knowledge of educational psychology helps the teacher in the following ways :

To Understand the Stages of Development

Educational psychology has the teacher to understand that human life is divided into different stages of development and each stage has special needs, abilities and characteristics. On the basis of this, the teacher gains better inside into the behaviour of his pupil and change his behaviour and methodology of teaching according to the child requirement in the class.

To Understand the Learner and its Characteristics

The child or the learner is the key factor in the teaching–learning. Educational psychology helps the teacher to understand how children grow, develop learn and adjust; his/her interest, attitude and innate potentialities; and likes and dislikes, level of aspiration and desires, etc., so that perfect guidance and health can be provided and positive attitude towards the learner can be formed.

To Understand the Nature of Classroom Learning

The classroom is heterogeneous in nature. To deal with the groups effectively in the class the teacher must have the knowledge of the various approaches to the learning process, principles, laws and factors affecting it then only he/she can apply remedial measures in the learning situation.

To Understand the Individual Differences

It is a fact that no two individuals are alike so also no two students are equal in the class. Thus, psychology tells the teacher about the individual differences among the students in the class and the procedure, methodology and techniques to be adopted for them.

To Develop Necessary Skills and Interest in Teaching

Educational psychology helps the teacher to develop necessary qualities and skills to deal with the problems created by the pupils, maintain a healthy atmosphere in the class–room and shows concern regarding the progress of the child. 

To Understand the Influence of Heredity and Environment on Child

Educational psychology help the teacher to know that the child is a bi–product of both heredity and environment. They are the two sides of a coin. w
While child is born with a number of hereditary qualities, environment helps them to be modified according to the requirements of the society.

To Understand the Mental Health

Educational psychology helps the teacher to know what are the factors responsible for the mental ill–health and maladjustment of a student and suggest improvement  thereof . Besides this, also provides the teacher with necessary inside to improve his own mental status to cope up with the situation. 

To Understand the Group Behaviour

Human beings cannot live in isolation. He needs company. Similarly, we all of us are members of certain social group and depend upon others. In this situation, psychology tells a teacher how a group life modifies the individual and vice versa and provide information how to handle groups and modify their behaviour. 

To Understand the Procedure of Curriculum Construction

Curriculum is an integral part of the teaching–learning process. Curriculum should be child–centred and fulfill the motives and physiological needs of the individual because child capacities differ from stage to stage. Educational psychology helps the teacher to suggest ways and means to curriculum framer to prepare sound and balance curriculum for the children.

To provide Guidance and Counselling

Today guidance to our child at every stage of life is needed because psychological abilities, interest and learning styles differ from person to person. Similarly, what courses of study the child should under take in future it also a vital question. All these can be answered well if the teacher knows the psychology of children. 

To Understand the Principles of Evaluation

Evaluation is an integral part of the teaching–learning process how to test the potentialities of the child depends upon the evaluation techniques. The development of the different types of psychological test for the evaluation of the individual is a distinct contribution of educational psychology.

Educational Psychology Helps in Professional Growth, Changing Attitude and Innovative Thinking

Inside the classroom, educational psychology has enable the teacher to achieve proper conditioning of pupils by achieving and directing classroom programs on human lives. Not only this, educational psychologists are busy in finding out innovations in the field of education.

Conclusion :

Educational psychology is important because it trains us to watch for different learning situations, and how to adapt to those situations accordingly. By studying the ability, interest, intelligence and needs of students teachers and others to adapt material to improve the learning experience and process.
