

Introduction of Patriarchy

"Patriarchy is a social system in which males hold primary power in the domain of the family, father or father fingers hold authority over women and children." 

What is patriarchy

"Patriarchy " (derived from  patriarch in  Greek) 

Is a term for societies in which male is the favoured gender, and in which men hold power, dominion and privilege. Male power in a patriarchy can be found at family community and governmental level.  Patriarchy defines men as the rulers, men's and women's roles are strictly defined and, in a sense, inforced. Women must be seen as inferior, vehicle generally less capable, less intelligent, and less worthy. There work is equally considered "lower". They are relegated to hearth and home. Cleaning, caring for the family and serving the husband. Critically, the same pressure exists for men to conform to particular roles. One classic (though not universal any stretch) is that men must be tough and strong, must not cry, must not back down, must be willing to get into physical altercations to solve problems.

Meaning And Definitions Of Patriarchy

In literal means:‐ " The  Role of The  Father ". Patriarchy is a social system where man why are considered superior and more powerful than women. It is made from two words Patri +Arch = Father's House.

Patriarchy represents as social and cultural system in which all the material resources e.g. land, property etc., are owned and controlled by the senior male who is the head of the family; and why virtue of that he enjoys control over all productive and even reproductive behaviour of women in the family.

Patriarchy is reflected in societies in multiple ways. 

It gets nourished through The stereotyping that takes place during the process of socialization, where why right from the birth, a child is trained to acquire a gendered behaviour, vocabulary and body language, that go with the cultural values and norms in a particular society.

Definitions :– 

Patriarchy is commonly described as "a system of social structures and practices, in which man govern, oppress and exploit women." Patriarchal violence is then any kind of violence that creates or maintain men's power and dominance, or avengers the loss of their power. Male dominance seems to be upheld primarily  through violence means.  These means as on a wide scale from verbal,  psychological, economic and physical is violence to sexual violence or murder.  Another possible definition is that violence is...... a collective term for the violence that is found throughout the word and that is rooted word is in patriachal power structured at defends."

According to  Sylvia Wabbley-  " Patriarchy is such a social practice in which men have the authority over women and they exploid and oppress them".

According to Maggie - "Patriarchy is a male-based system which keys women under social political and economic institutions"

According to Gerda Lerner-  "Patriarchy is the expression and institutionalization of men's dominance over women and children, and is an extension of social dominance of men over women generally. It entails that men enjoy control over all power institutions and women are deprived of such power stations."

According to  Uma Chakraborty  - "In the patriachal system, men have control over various aspects of women's life."

Patriarchy takes different forms in different communities, classes and castes, and its form is dynamic. As it is related to history and undergoes a change continuously, so it is understood that if men and women continue to agitate for an equal society, it may come to an end.

1. In a patriarchal system, men make all decisions both in the family as well as in the society.

2. Men are considered with identification that includes qualities of control, forcefulness, strength, strong work ethic, rationality, and competitiveness.

3. Men will be the heroes in all situations.

4. Toys for female children may in emphasized different values and roles within society, such as mother or housekeeper rather than educated professional.

5. From values, rituals and traditions to laws and formal institutions like governments, power within a society will be focused on a uplifting men.

6. Women's will not be allowed to suggest changes to any social order. 

7. Men hold all positions of power and authority.

8. The centre of activity and progression to move the society forward will be on men in a patriarchal system. 

9. Men will have the control at all time on finance and education.

10. History books may focus on male figures than female figures.

11. Women will have submissive roles sometimes.

12. Women will not be allowed to raise up to leadership levels or make decisions.

13. Women are also not allowed to demonstrate independence.

14. Men are considered superior.

15. Man will be the focus and developer of all events and inventions.

16. Man will be the center of social engagement, fun and entertainment.

17. Women in a patriarchal society are told from birth that they are inferior or controllable through infinite social and cultural cues.

18. Oppression of women will be visible.

Different Aspects of Patriarchy

Different aspects of patriarchy can be explained under the following heading :

  • Concept of Private Property and Control Over Women's Reproduction

Our society was tribal or primitive society in the beginning in which women were generally given rights and the dynasty often ran in the name of the mother. However, as the society turned agricultural, the concept of private property became prominent. Now, men started to have increasing greed over power; he desired to have ownership over his offspring, and desired that his offspring should be  heir to his property. Man himself was a productive power, therefore, he claimed equal right over his children and further generations. He established that man procreates while women nurtures. Offspring is needed as the caretaker of property.

The concept of private property degraded the woman to her lowest social status. Thus, of all the aspects under man's control in a patriarchal system, the most important  is his reproductive capability.

  • Control Over Labour Force

 Under the patriarchal system, man possesses control over woman's sexuality, he also controls her labour force. Under it, he ensures that woman will work at home while man will work outside. In the house, her roll will pertain to nurturing, and if she will work outside the house, she will need man's approval. Control over labour force helps man to have control over financial resources, as well as woman's sexuality and freedom, as woman's freedom to go out is limited, and for it, customs and traditions are referred to, why which they are limited to within the four walls of the house. Thus, her access to financial resources is limited and she happens to be fully dependent on man for all her needs.

  • Paternalism

How man controls and dominates woman can be understood by the concept of paternalism. It is in fact a sub-part of patriarchy in which father enjoys complete control over other members of the family, and in written he provides economic aid as well as protection to his family members. There are two groups in paternalism: dominant and subordinate. In it, dominance is mitigated through responsibility and write over the others thus, dominance and subordination are not generally seen, as it is transformed into relations of fatherly protection and return for labour. Woman's subordination seems quite natural and we fail to notice any kind of subordination and subjugation, and with this, paternalism is established as a reality as well as a doctrine. When this doctrine is formed, women to cooperate in it.

  • Women's Cooperation in Maintaining Patriarchal System

As an ideology, patriarchy is assisted by women in a way. They consent in maintaining it in some way, and this consent is obtained in several ways. First, women are dependent on men financially, so they are as good as compelled to assent to men. Besides, the women who follow the patriarchal system are respected and given other facilities; and those who do not cooperate or assent to this system and its rules, they are called deviant; and it is possible that they may be deprived of financial facilities. In this way, they may occur our division among women; one group favours the patriarchy and enjoy's the special facilities, while the other not. The group that disagrees with patriarchy is termed as corrupt or deviant. Besides, the women who oppose patriarchal customs or ideologies, they are scared for the use of force against them.

  • Caste System and Patriarchy

In the patriarchal structure, casts and gender are significantly linked. In the beginning, the caste system was a particular part of the Hindu society, but now it has found strong hold in Christian and Islamic societies too. Women play a significant role in maintaining the caste system; here the casts are compartmentalized as patriarchal rules insure the marital alliances are held within the cast, and they should not be violated in any case. This rule is strictly followed in specifically the high casts, and is said to be in consonance with the scriptures.

  • Benevolent  Paternalism 

Benevolent paternalism place a vital role in seeking women's cooperation in maintaining patriarchy and cast hierarchy, under it, the obedient women are given special rights and facilities; they are given the level of security and respect to the extent that they are even worshipped. According to different mythologies, women are so socialized that they start to believe in their purity and dutifulness for their empowerment. Sometimes, pure women think that they are in receipt of some divine power, and through this great and spiritual power, they can make even some amazing feat.

Thus, we see that paternalism, the concept of modernisation of women is mitigated fully by which women are made to help in maintaining patriarchy.


  • Religious: Male Dominance is "God given."
  • Biological determinist : "man is the hunter and dominates."
  • Marxist theorist Friedrich engels: "women become men's property."
  • Anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss: "Civilizations manage social relations through the "traffic in women" or the exchange of women."
  • 19th century theorist, Bachofen Hypothesized: Matriarchal society preceded patriarchal society in historical time.
Merits of Patriarchy 

  • The leader of the family is already decided, so there is no dispute and question who rules.
  • In this system, no more burden of leadership or responsibility given to women, so that they can focus on their primary responsibilities of nurturing children.
  • Many women feel valued for their unique contribution in patriarchal system.
  • It gives a structure to the society and a place and role for everyone.
  • A male is only had who gives direction to the family members and encourage them to serve others.

Demerits of Patriarchy

  • In Patriarchy system, women are completely neglected and their path of development is blocked.
  • Women are not provided equal status of men.
  • This system completely disregard the role of women.
  • Women becomes victims of exploitation and harassment.
  • Women's are not involved in the decision making.

Conclusion :

At present, the structure of patriarchy and paternalist concepts are being contested hotly by the democratic and equal policies of the Constitution of India. Women's subordination and their exploitation in and outside home are being challenged by different movements being run in different parts of the country. Now the women or feminist movements have become quite dynamic. It is true these movements and feminist studies that the subordination of women, called patriarchy has been explained correctly.


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