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May 22, 2022
Developmental Tasks and Need of Guidance and Counseling in Adolescence { Part 5 }
Need and Problems of Adolescence { Part 4 }
Need and Problems of Adolescence
Adolescence is a period of rapid changes. The peculiar and unusual changes that take place during this stage create problems for the adolescent boys and girls. Similarly the need of adolescents are really different from earlier stages of life cycle. If the need of adolescents are not properly gratified the adolescent becomes a problem youth. The basic need and problems of the adolescent boys and girls are as follows.
(A) Need of Adolescence
(1) Sex need:
The maturing of the sex glands is the most important single development of the adolescent years. The sexual instinct which was dormant takes a strong turn and develops into hetro sexuality (attachment towards the opposite sex). Development and sudden functioning of the sex organs create worries, anxieties and tension among the adolescent boys and girls. Members of both sexes display a variety of attitudes towards the changes in their bodily functions, and these attitudes influence their personalities, their school work, interest and their general adjustment to life. Thus to channelise the sex desire of an adolescent youth in a right track, varieties of programmes like creative activities, athletics, moral and sex education can be introduced in the school.
(ii) Security Need:
The adolescent is on the boundary line of childhood and adulthood. So he is typically a person who needs security. guidance and protection like a child and independent views, maturity of opinion and self support like an adult. This need can be fulfilled if the adolescent is given an opportunity of studying the biography of greatmen like Gandhi, Tagore, Vivekananda, Kabir, Nanak, Dayananda, Laxmibai and Sarojini Naidu, etc.
(iii) Gregarious Need:
It is a fact that instincts of the adolescents assumes greater strength and importance at this stage. The adolescents have the enormous power and desire to do many activities to sublimate the animal instincts, which may be desirable or undesirable. Without this sublimation, his intellectual, social, moral and intellectual aspects of the personality cannot be properly trained. Thus adolescents should be provided opportunity to satisfy their basic need through group formation as scouting, NCC, Social service, and community activities otherwise they may indulge themselves into the activities of pick-pocketing, truancy and robbery which are unsocial activities to satisfy their gregarious feelings.
(iv) Adventurous Need:
The feeling of adventure is maximum during adolescence. In the absence of proper direction it takes the form of aimless wandering and unsocial activities. In order to satisfy the anxiety of adolescents excursions, picnic and educational tours, etc., should be organised. Thus providing an opportunity to the adolescents during this period can fulfil their physical needs vis-a-vis adventurous qualities.
(v) Social Need:
An adolescent, in almost all the activities, wants recognition in the form of a praise or a reward or a prize for social approval. He is ambitious of achieving success and getting public recognition. Thus during this stage an adolescent youth requires a good deal of sympathy. If their success or achievement is not recognised at home or in the school they begin to lose interest in such activities and may turn into violent and unrealistic ways.
(vi) Self-awareness Need:
It is a age of self-decoration. Both boys and girls pay more attention towards their dress, make-up, manner of talking, walking, eating, etc., and desires that he/she should be a center of attraction for the opposite sex and recognised by the peer group and elders. So, if their need of self-awareness is not looked into then the adolescents become either aggressive or withdrawn type depending upon the circumstances.
(vii) Need for Status:
Although adolescence is a stage of transition and period of rapid change yet their behaviour and thinking are not accepted by the society easily. If their need for status is not met satisfactorily in the family or in the school it may lead to confusion, ambiguity and disappointment in them. Thus their status in the society must be understood by parents and teachers and accordingly opportunity for participating in all decision making programmes in home, school and the community should be provided.
(viii) Need for Independence:
Adolescents youth need economic and emotional independence. They do not like to depend upon their parents regarding money matter and no longer want to be treated as a child. They want to be self sufficient but they are inexperienced and incapable of taking responsibility for their security and comforts which leads to confusion, anxiety and frustration in them.
(ix) Need for Recreation Activities:
Adolescents are interested to spend their recreation time in useful ways. If their need for recreation is not utilised in proper order then their study is hampered. Thus parents and teachers should guide them properly to utilise their recreation time in a fruitful manner.
(x) Vocational Need:
The strong desire of adolescents is to achieve self sufficiency and make himself/herself quite independent like an adult member of the society. They prefer to earn himself/ herself independently and follow a suitable vocation. Thus during this stage proper care should be taken while educating them as well as an idea about selection of the various vocations as occupation must be informed.
(B) Problems of Adolescents
Adolescence is a period of rapid changes in all demensions of development.
When the needs of adolescents are not satisfied problems occur in behavioural characteristics.
Thus problems of adolescents are either due to himself/herself or due to the conditions of the society in which he/she lives. Lay Cock and other psychologists grouped the problems of adolescent as under:
(1) Problems of adjustment due to changing physical growth and physiological development.
(ii) Becoming emancipated from family and free from emotional dependence on parents.
(iii) Accepting own characteristics of sex-role and making adjustment to the opposite sex.
(iv) Finding and ensuring on a suitable vocation. give
(v) Developing a sound philosophy of life which will meaning and purpose to life.
(vi) Adjustment to personal, social, health and home life relationship.
(vii) Adjustment difficulties with parents and the community.
(vii) Adjustment difficulties in relation to finance. employment, marriage life and future educational and vocational adjustment.
In addition to the above, the problems frequently reported by the adolescents are given in details:
I. Problem of Sex
The period of adolescence is known as a period of stress and strain. It is the most difficult and the awkward period. The period marks the re-awakening of repressed sex-impulse. Thus to help an adolescent sex-education may be introduced in the syllabus as a compulsory subject.
II. Problems related to Education
During the period of adolescence the specific problems related to education are dislike for study, fear of failure, restlessness in class, low grade in the examination, fear of speaking in the class, too much work, dislike for school, partial behaviour of teachers and groupism on the basis of caste, creed and religion. This situation frustrate the mental state of the adolescents.
III. Problems of adjustment at Home
It is a fact that Indian parents have not changed their traditional attitude towards their adolescent sons and daughters. Sometimes parents in majority of the cases are responsible for the problems like imposing restriction on their freedom misunderstanding between parents and adolescents at home, treating adolescent as a small child and not providing facilities when he is in need, etc., are the causes of adjustment problems of adolescents.
IV. Problems related to emotion
The abnormal functioning of the nervous system and the endocrine glands are mainly responsible for emotional problem. Adolescents have both the extreme emotions, i.e.. positive and negative. What is required is to help him/her in emotional control. His/her various needs must be satisfied and guided properly.
V. Adjustment difficulties with school and the community
A rigid discipline, an over-crowded school, an unhealthy atmosphere, and lack of activities in the school, etc., may create problems of adjustment. Adolescents like to go out, mix with friends and to do some social service but the society has some restrictions. Thus an adolescent must be dealt with sympathy and engaged in work according to their ability in the school.
VI. Problems of Economic Independence
It has been reported by a number of studies that the adolescent does not like to depend upon their parents regarding money matter. He/She prefers to earn for himself/ herself and follow a suitable vocation. But due to inadequate experiences and incapable of taking responsibilities for their security and comforts they feel frustration. Thus proper guidance may be given to adolescents by the parents and teacher.
VII. Problems of Vocational Adjustment
Adolescents are very much concerned about their future vocation. The problems lie with the selection of a vocational preference and preparation for it. Thus proper care should be taken in the school that while educating him/her an idea about the availability of different vocations and its selection procedure, etc., must be informed.
IX. Problems of choosing right philosophy of life
Adolescence is a period of wider social contacts, increased mental ability and understanding, and excessive physiological development which create problems and bother adolescents too much. Which philosophy of life they have to follow is difficult and complex on their part to decide. Thus, opportunity must be provided to the adolescent to take a decision to govern their future life in a positive manner.
Growth and Development During Adolescence { Part 3 }
Growth and Development during Adolescence
Adolescence begins in biology and ends in culture. It is a period of growth which is characterised by rapid physical, emotional, social, moral and intellectual developments. The following are the developments during adolescence.
(a) Physical growth/changes in Adolescence
(1) Height and Weight (size) and bodily development:
Adolescence is a period of rapid physical growth and dramatic bodily changes. There is a sudden change in height and weight due to hyper activity of endocrine glands. The girls are about two years ahead of the boys in the early adolescence in almost all the physical growth and maturity but boys are able to compensate it in the later part of the adolescence period. The glands become active and there is increased production of hormones. Arms and heart also grow in length and size. There is growth in bones and muscles and as a consequence adolescent become conscious and comes to acquire great energy and power.
(ii) Appearance and voices
There is a change in appearance, face is more angular, sound is hoarse and high-pitched and sweeter in case of girls. Many boys begin to shave, though most of them have little reason to do so. Slowly not only face whiskers but also hair comes on the forearms, and legs and chest begin to appear in a goodshape. In case of females, the face takes on a softer look, the lips become fuller and the breast start filling out.
(iii) Change in body functions
With the secretion of hormones from ductless glands there is change in body functions. The muscles hardens, menstruation starts in girls and night emissions in boys. The sensory and motor organs assume their complete development during this period. Cole said 'Adolescence is a period of growth in all systems of the body to the fullest and greatest possible extent. Stanley Hall pointed out that "not only motor activity increases but there is also a great development in the motor power".
Thus adolescence is a period of growth. In the course of a few years the individual undergoes changes in both size and proportion-changes that take him/her from a childish to a mature level. The rapidity, variety, and force of these developments are alike bewildering, even though they are sometimes exciting and satisfactory. The alternations are indeed so extensive that some people have regarded adolescence as a sort of second birth. Usually there some degree of mal co-ordination to be seen during the period. is therefore essential that teachers should keep in mind the physical background of adolescence so that effective learning can takes place.
The most characteristic developments during adolescence are the lengthening of all the long bones and the final articulation of all the bones at their respective joints, changes which underlie the increases in height and strength. The wisdom teeth appear, causing some trouble, the face changes a great deal and loses its childish contours by the end of adolescence period.
(b) Sexual development
Puberty, the 'centering event of adolescence, refers to the beginning of sexual maturity. The maturity of the sex glands is the most important single development of the adolescent years. In case of the males the penis, growth of pubic hair, prostate gland and seminal vesicles begin to work. Similarly in females gradual enlargement of the reproductive organs. change in ovaries and uterus, development of breasts, pelvic area and menstruation starts. All girls become self-conscious about this type of change. Both boys and girls develop attraction towards the opposite sex. Members of both sexes display a variety of attitudes towards the changes in their bodily functions and these attitudes influence their personalities, their school work, and their general adjustment to life.
(c) Mental Development during Adolescence
During the adolescence the capacity to acquire and to utilise knowledge reaches its peak efficiency. Adolescent becomes capable of accomplishing more easily, more quickly and more efficiently intellectual tasks and he or she is able to define problems and to give reason about them. Thus there is a marked growth in mental power. He can apply logical thought to all classes of problems. Problem solving behaviour also appears at this stage. The adolescent can plan carefully, design an experiment appropriately, observe the results accurately and draw conclusions rightly.
In simple sense we can say that adolescents may concentrate for longer time, think abstractly, development of permanent memory starts, imagination power increases, development of logic, more curious to ask questions, become critical to everything, start thinking about their future vocations, marked increase in vocabulary and matures mentally.
He has a greater ability to form concepts, the concept of time gradually gains in clarity and tendency to over-generalise the concept is still present. The adolescent shows an increased Interest in national and International affairs and is seriously concerned about his place in society and his success in his role.
He is more introspective and analytical and Piaget called it formal operation period of cognitive development. This period of intellectual development is the ability to "see through" situations of all kinds to their inner meaning.
(d) Religious beliefs and Moral Development during
An interest in or a revolt against religion is an integral part of adolescence. In spite of a small minority of highly verbal cynics, religion continues to play a part in human existence and is of special value during the adolescent years in formulating ideals and standards of conduct.
By the time the child reaches adolescence, his moral conduct is fairly well informed and he is capable of understanding what is right and what is wrong. The desire to reform the world and to do some good work during life time is very strong. Most young people want to find a satisfactory philosophy of life and his values are influenced by peer group than by parental values system.
(e) Emotional Development during Adolescence
Emotional life of adolescence concerns loyalties to the group, aggression and affection. Peel has commented that "the adolescent is beset by problems of divided loyalties. accentuated by the lack of adult privileges and responsibilities. He thus appears excessively aggressive and then excessively shy, excessively affectionate and then quite suddenly detached and cool because of bodily changes." Thus, sometimes he is "hillarious" but on the otherhand he is extremely "melancholy". He is also very sensitive and does not welcome any criticism or attack on his prestige.
Strange feelings capture the minds of adolescents. Sex consciousness raises the feelings of curiosity, secretiveness and guilt. He has a strong group feelings and loves adventure, travel and wandering. Emotions become realistic and some time he is over-joyed by his success but at the sametime he is extremely depressed and sad by imagining the problems of finding a job. Adolescents may be termed as moody because their emotions fluctuate too rapidly.
The onset of sexual maturity also contributes to adolescent fears and anxiety. Emotions become intensed like hate some one strongly and love passionately. If they suffer from inferiority complex and do not get their dues they may think to run out from the house (to do some better work) and also to commit suicide, if it becomes more perplexed.
(1) Social Development during Adolescence
Adolescents are tremendously sensitive to social stimuli. They react faster and more deeply to the influence of their age-mates than to that of adults. Adolescents strive for psychological separation from their parents. Gregarious instinct plays an important role in this period. He continues to be a member of a gang or group. Adolescents often act in very inconsistent ways. Peer group relationship established according to their sex, interests, abilities and attitudes.
During the teenage years, hetrosexual relationships emerge. Development of conscience and "peer culture", the sum total of spontaneous social manifestations among age mates, is most influential during the adolescence. Self consciousness increases, want to be praised by others and want social approval of their mode of behaviour, development of leadership qualities and love social service and like to serve in the fairs, festivals, social gatherings, etc. During this period adolescents follow adult culture patterns in their behaviour. Loyalty to group is strengthened and develop insight into social human relation. They often come into conflict with adults on social problems and tradition of the community.
May 15, 2022
Stages Of Adolescence and Objectives of the Adolescence Period { Part 2 }
Stages Of Adolescence and Objectives of the Adolescence Period
E.B. Hurlock lists the entire range of adolescence period as follows:
(1) Pre-adolescence-11to 13 years (girls): 13 to 15 years (boys)
(2) Early-adolescence-13 to 15 years (girls); 15 to 17 years (boys)
(3) Middle-adolescence-15 to 18 years (girls); 17 to 19 years (boys)
(4) Late-adolescence-18 to 21 years (girls): 19 to 21 years (boys)
It is understood that one does not automatically pass from one of these periods to another on a given birthday. One level of development help the other. In order to pass from childhood to adulthood the child is to pass through the adolescence period which is full of problems. During this period hetro-sexual interests, free from home supervision, make new emotional and social adjustments to reality, began to evolve a philosophy of life, achieve economic and intellectual independence, and learn how to use his/her leisure time profitably, etc., are developed. If he fails in any of these achievements, he fails to gain full maturity. Let us now discuss in detail in terms of change from a childish towards an adult level.
Development during Adolescence
Psychologists recognize that many options for change remain open throughout life. Understanding human behaviour over the life span is a major focus of developmental psychology. With the coming of adolescence, physiological changes accelerate, sexual maturity arrives, social relationship become more intense and new cognitive capacities emerge. Although psychological maturity does not occur quite so rapidly the teenage years are a time of dramatically speeded up development. When we speak of the adolescent as 'growing up' we mean that the youth has leaving behind the phase of protective childhood and is becoming independent, capable of going out to fend for himself. Let us now discuss the above period in details.
Meaning of Adolescence
The term 'adolescence' is derived from the Latin verb "adolescere" which means to grow to maturity or to grow-up. This period is most critical period of individual development which begins from 12-13 years and ends at 21/22 years. During this period the establishment of the childhood goes away and a revolutionary change starts. Thus this period is known as revolutionary period of human life during which the child develops into a man or woman. It is characterized by the change in physiological, psychological and sociological aspects of individuals. During these years, one is neither a child nor an adult and generally referred as the period of life from puberty to maturity.
The period of adolescence is defined in several ways
These are the following :
1. According to A.T. Jersild "Adolescence is that span of years during which boys and girls move from childhood to adulthood mentally, emotionally. socially and physically".
2. From biological point of view this is a period of rapid growth. The period of adolescence begins when the individual shows the first signs of making the transition to sexual maturity and ends when physical growth almost ceases at about the age of 21.
3. According to Hadfield "when we speak of adolescent as 'growing up' we mean that the youth is leaving behind the phase of protective childhood and is becoming independent, capable of going out to fend for himself".
4. Mead defined "Adolescence is the period from the beginning of sexual maturity (puberty) to the completion of growth."
5. According to Hall "Adolescence is that period of human life where an individual is capable of producing of offsprings of same kind."
6. According to sociological interpretation of the word adolescence, "it is a transitional period between childhood and adulthood when a child moves from dependency to independency in his behaviour."
The child takes a new birth in adolescence. It is more or less like a jump from one stage to the other. Thus, with this period various adjectives are attached. These are the following:
(a) Adolescence is a period of "spring of life".
(b) Adolescence is called "attractive age" but "uneven and strange in life".
(c) Adolescence is the period of "Stress and strain" and "storm and strife" (Stanley Hall).
(d) Adolescence a "Phenomenon" which happens once in life time.
(e) Adolescence is a period of "teen age".
(f) Adolescence is a period of "youth".
(g) Adolescence is the period of "transition from childhood to adulthood".
(h) Adolescence is called the "revolutionary period" of human life.
(i) Adolescence is called a "sharp and distinct critical period" in development.
(j) Adolescence is a "period of second birth" (Hall's).
(k) Adolescence may be called "sensitive" period in development.
(l) Adolescence begins in "biology and ends in culture"
Needs of the Study of Adolescence Period
Adolescence is the most important period in human development about which poets, writers, historians have made references. It is a period of transition and a turning point in the life of the individual. The following are the needs to study the psychology of adolescence.
1. Understanding developmental characteristics
To study the adolescence period means to understand the growth and development in almost all dimensions of the above period. It helps the parents, teacher and all others who are responsible for proper development of the adolescents and guide him/her to adjust in a better way in the society.
2. Adjustment to responsibilities
The study of adolescence period helps the teachers and parents to know the responsibilities of the adolescents and guide them to live harmoniously without any emotional tension.
3. Maintenance of mental health
The study of adolescence helps the parents and teachers to prevent, cure and improve the deteriorating trends in mental health of adolescents.
4. Planning Curriculum and Education
The study of adolescence period help the teacher, curriculum workers and guidance personnel to plan curricular and co-curricular activities according to the needs, interests and aptitudes, etc., of adolescence.
5. To study the maturity and curiosity
The knowledge of the psychology of adolescence help the teacher and parents to understand the maturity level. behavioural characteristics and their curiosity in relation to the larger interest of the society.
Characteristics of Adolescence Period
Hurlock in her book 'Developmental Psychology' outlines the following characteristics of the adolescence period.
(1) Adolescence is an important period
Adolescence is a complex and often difficult period in development both for adolescents and for their families. Because of rapid physical, physiological and cognitive changes. and by an accelerating succession of urgent societal demands. adolescents face formidable challenges in the essential task of deciding who they are, what they are going to be, and how they are going to get these. Thus this is an important period of the human life.
(2) Adolescence is a transitional period
Adolescence is a period of transition and rapid change. Neither the person is called a child nor an adult because the individual has crossed the childhood and yet to react the stage of adulthood. Thus the status of the individual is vague and diffused and there is a confusion about the roles he/she is going to play. Sometimes his innocent behaviour is either called "childish" or "too big for his age".
(3) Adolescence is a period of change
It is a general characteristics of the adolescence period. During this stage there is a change in physical, psychological and sociological aspects of individuals along with values. attitudes, interests, and behaviours. Thus consistency and inconsistency is found out in the life cycle.
(4) Adolescence is a period of ego centric and problem age
The sudden and rapid changes of physical and psychological aspects during this stage create problem for the adolescents. Adolescent youth are interested to solve their problems independently and try to achieve independence from parents, establish co-operative and workable relationships with peers and prepare for a meaningful vocation. But sometime they do not have the capacity nor the experience to solve their problems, which itself create a problem for them.
(5) Adolescence is a time of search for identity
Each of the periods has its own problems which must be solved if the individuals are to enter the next period without handicap. Adolescence is perhaps no more important a stage of development then any other, but it is the last stage before adulthood, and it therefore, offers to both parents and teachers the last opportunity to educate a child for his adult responsibilities. During this period adolescents begin to search for their identity and try to develop individuality in their own way which sometimes lead to identity crisis in some adolescents.
(6) Adolescence is a period of unrealism
During this period the aspirations, thoughts and achievement, etc., are more idealistic rather than realistic. The young boys and girls think more unrealistic, false and absurd ideas which sometime hurt and disappoint them in life. It is found out that this false idealistic ideas disappears gradually and adolescent see their life, family and friends more realistically.
(7) Adolescence is a period of Hero-Worship and sexual maturity
During this period the boys and girls consider themselves they are the hero and heroine of the life cycle. They think they can do and undo everything during their life span without understanding the reality of the life. The above feelings take place due to the sudden sexual development on the part of the boys and girl
(8) Adolescence is a period of intensely emotion
During this period the youth often resulting in intense excitement and deep depression. Sometimes he/she may exhibit a "know-it-all" attitude. Boys like to be thought big, strong and healthy. Girls desire prettiness. In both the sexes there is interest in and emphasis on physical attractiveness and good grooming.
(9) Adolescence is a period of sexual delinquency
During this period sexual manifestation may cause self consciousness and desire for other ties. It is a period of mutual liking, thus homosexual and hetrosexual feelings create confusion among the adolescents.
(10) Adolescence is a period of high moral values and sacrifice
During this period high moral values is seen. The adolescents youth likes to serve in the fairs, festivals, social gatherings, etc., and sacrifice their own conveniences for social service due to their high moral feelings.
Childhood Stage Development
Childhood Stage (6 to 11/12 years)
Main Characteristics of Childhood
The following are the characteristics of childhood from the viewpoint of their physical, mental, emotional and social development :
1. Stability in Physical Growth: Though the rate of physical development during childhood is very slow as compared to infancy whatever physical development that takes place during this stage firmness, it has The children develop the capability to fight with diseases. The organs of action and perception develop fully and their capability to work and learn increases.
2. Development of Mental Abilities: During childhood, children inculcate firmness in the mental faculties already developed in fancy, as sensation, perception, imagination and memory. Besides, they develop the abilities of thinking, reasoning, analysis, synthesis and problem solving. As a result, they express curiosity to know even the indirect or abstract and thus they start to form concepts.
3. Change in Interests: During this stage, the interests of children change rapidly. This change occurs according to the environment around them. They have interest in collective tasks and touring.
4. Extrovert Personality : Children in their infant period, are often introvert and they live in their own imaginary world, In childhood they step into the outside world and are acquainted with realities, they start to take interest in them and we say that their personality has become extrovert.
5. Interest in Real World: Children enter the real world during childhood, now they take interest in understanding the reality of the real world, they make effort to understand the real form of each object, person and activity.
6. Self-Dependence : Children are often dependent on others during infancy, in childhood, they start to do their routine works themselves. They become able to do some other tasks themselves and perform them independently. Their self-dependence develops continuously during this stage.
7. Development of Creativity : Children take much interest in creative works during childhood. Sometimes they do these works by imitations and sometimes do them on the basis of their own imagination and insight, and thus their creativity develops.
8. Control Over Emotions : All instincts have developed by the time children enter childhood and their behaviour is influenced by them. Now they start to distinguish between the good and the bad and are influenced by the praise or censure in the society. They adjust themselves in order to get admiration of the society and avoid its censure. Anything that is bad from social viewpoint, they start to give it up. For this, they have to control their emotions, and they start to do so. They display love where they ought to do so, and express enmity where they ought to do so, etc.
9. Social Development : The instinct of gregariousness is very intense in childhood. They start to become members of different (societies) and adopt their behavioural norms in order to adjust with them. At this time, their behaviour is influenced by the praise and censure of the society. Consequently, they adopt the behavioural norms approved by the society. In this process, they are acquainted with their rights and duties also and proceed towards doing their duties. In true sense the Social development of children takes place during childhood.
10. Moral Development : According to Strang, children of 7-8 years start to distinguish between the good and the evil on the basis of social norms, they distinguish between the just and the unjust, the right and the wrong. It is evident that the children who will follow the right from right-wrong, honesty from honesty-dishonesty, just from just unjust, their moral development would take place. Even otherwise, the children during this stage start to adopt their cultural and religious values and their moral development takes place in true sense.
11. Interest in Learning New Things : The scope of children during infancy is very limited, they enter the outside world during childhood, they watch the real world, newer objects, activities and persons, they come across newer incidents and events and it is natural for them to arouse curiosity towards them. They take interest in knowing them. Not only this, they also display interest in knowing the indirect objects, activities and events. This is the most suitable stage for imparting the knowledge of the reality of life.
Physical Development in Childhood
In the first stage of childhood from 6 to 9 years of age, children grow in both height and weight. It has been seen that the girls grow more during this stage as compared to boys. During this stage, the children accumulate physical powers, so it is called the accumulative childhood.
During 9 to 12 years of age, the previously acquired physical development becomes stronger, permanent dentition erupts in place of primary dentition and bones and muscles start to firm up, so it is called the period of maturing childhood.
(b) Mental development :
(1) By age six, a child is ready for school and his brain has attained 80% of its total development, his vocabulary has increased and is able to form simple concepts. He is capable of both inductive and deductive reasoning. There is increased ability to generalize and to explain things in terms of cause and effect relationship.
(2) The instincts of curiosity, constructiveness and acquisition and the innate tendency of play work wonders at this stage. The child is imaginative and interested in both fanciful and factual literature, like stories having a surprise element, interested in comics, excitement, humour, mystery, suspense, creative and productive work.
(3) Imitation and make-believe are also at the climax during this stage. The span of attention becomes longer. The children between nine and twelve years are willing learners (if motivation is stronger or if a reward is announced and enjoy learning.
(4) Interests start widening and go beyond his immediate surroundings, capable of forming concepts (on concrete objects) but difficult in abstract concepts like justice, kindness or honesty. The child is able to see the similarities and differences between objects but children are found to be quite immature and their concepts are native and shallow.
(5) The critical attitude is not yet developed at the age of nine but at about twelve years, child's self-concept starts growing and gradually he comes critical of all his elders. He begins to admire things and peoples around him. He begins to imitate the manners and behaviour of those people whom he admires.
(c) Language Development :
Language is a tool of both thinking and communication. It helps for social communication and for better understanding among individuals and groups. During childhood stage there is rapid increase in vocabulary and words are combined into coherent phases and sentences, and simple thoughts are communicated with ease.
The child shows a keen desire to learn meanings of new words and he tries to use them in his conversation, though often quite awkwardly. Grammatical errors are also slowly eliminated. Studies by Terman, Thorndike and many other investigators have shown that there is a continuous increase in the size of one's vocabulary. It was found out from the findings of Seashore that the child is able to learn 26,000 basic words at the age of eight and 34,000 basic words at the age of ten.
(d) Moral Development
As the child approaches middle childhood his capacity to understand relationship increases. His concepts of right and wrong is different but related situations emerge. By the time a child is eight or nine years old his concept become more generalised.
The child tries to understand his duties and rights as a member of the group or the gang whose member he is. During the last part of this stage, moral behaviour is oriented towards authority, law, duty and maintaining the status quo which is assumed to be a primary value.
(e) Emotional Development
Due to influence of maturation and training the expression of emotions is refined. He does experience intense emotional feeling of love, hate, fear and these endure for long periods of time along with pleasant emotion
Generally, it is at this stage that the sentiments and the complexes are formed. This period is known as a period of stability and control. Emotional behaviour starts getting its rational. Does not like to be kissed at this stage and called by nicknames. Starts telling lie and does not like unfairness of teachers and parents, etc., and express anger or fear in a refined way.
(f) Social Development
During this period the process of socialization takes place as a fast speed and qualities of self-consciousness, socialization and co-ordination, etc., takes place. He becomes well-adjusted, co-operative and stable. The child is no longer in need of close parental supervision. He spends most of his time in playing, exploring his world and learning about people and things. This new challenges and opportunities help him to develop desire of popularity. He is interested in peer group interactions and a sense of belongingness is developed.
It is found out that the child at this stage acts and dresses like rest of the gang, ready for widening of social contacts, have keen sense of right and wrong, want some social approval from parents. try many experiments and want to show their independence. He develops the feelings of sacrifice and co operation and development of team spirit and group-affinity increases in later childhood stage. Gregarious instincts ripens at this stage and the self-centered behaviour sometimes give rise to jealousies, quarrels and aggression. But this period is undoubtedly calm as compared to the storm and stress of adolescence.
Educational Implications of Childhood Stage:
(1) Children between age six and nine years have a keen desire to read and write. But their muscle coordination is still imperfect. Hence, the teacher must not over-emphasize reading and writing but between age nine and twelve reading can be encouraged.
(2) As children between six and nine years have very short span of attention, text books must not have long words. As the child grows older, the span of attention lengthens and longer words can be gradually introduced.
(3) For conceptual clarification of the classroom teaching it is better to use pictures at this stage. Not only it will make the lesson interesting but also it will help the learner to make the concept clear.
(4) During the stage of childhood interests are centered round his close associates and surroundings. Hence, lessons in personal hygiene, cleanliness and behaviour with elders is more meaningful than lessons dealing with the people and customs of a foreign country.
(5) Since abstract reasoning is not developed, teacher should give them enough opportunities to solve problems of a concrete nature. Thus more realistic concept of daily living may be given for better intellectual development.
(6) Since the time concept is of a crude nature, it is of no use of introducing 250 B.C. or 410 B.C. in front of the child. As far as possible teacher should avoid inconsistency in their behaviour, otherwise their image will be devalued.
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