Development during Adolescence



Psychologists recognize that many options for change remain open throughout life. Understanding human behaviour over the life span is a major focus of developmental psychology. With the coming of adolescence, physiological changes accelerate, sexual maturity arrives, social relationship become more intense and new cognitive capacities emerge. Although psychological maturity does not occur quite so rapidly the teenage years are a time of dramatically speeded up development. When we speak of the adolescent as 'growing up' we mean that the youth has leaving behind the phase of protective childhood and is becoming independent, capable of going out to fend for himself. Let us now discuss the above period in details.

Meaning of Adolescence

The term 'adolescence' is derived from the Latin verb "adolescere" which means to grow to maturity or to grow-up. This period is most critical period of individual development which begins from 12-13 years and ends at 21/22 years. During this period the establishment of the childhood goes away and a revolutionary change starts. Thus this period is known as revolutionary period of human life during which the child develops into a man or woman. It is characterized by the change in physiological, psychological and sociological aspects of individuals. During these years, one is neither a child nor an adult and generally referred as the period of life from puberty to maturity.

The period of adolescence is defined in several ways

These are the following :

1. According to A.T. Jersild "Adolescence is that span of years during which boys and girls move from childhood to adulthood mentally, emotionally. socially and physically".

2. From biological point of view this is a period of rapid growth. The period of adolescence begins when the individual shows the first signs of making the transition to sexual maturity and ends when physical growth almost ceases at about the age of 21. 

3. According to Hadfield "when we speak of adolescent as 'growing up' we mean that the youth is leaving behind the phase of protective childhood and is becoming independent, capable of going out to fend for himself".

4. Mead defined "Adolescence is the period from the beginning of sexual maturity (puberty) to the completion of growth."

5. According to Hall  "Adolescence is that period of human life where an individual is capable of producing of offsprings of same kind."

6. According to sociological interpretation of the word adolescence, "it is a transitional period between childhood and adulthood when a child moves from dependency to independency in his behaviour."

The child takes a new birth in adolescence. It is more or less like a jump from one stage to the other. Thus, with this period various adjectives are attached. These are the following:

(a) Adolescence is a period of "spring of life".

(b) Adolescence is called "attractive age" but "uneven and strange in life".

(c) Adolescence is the period of "Stress and strain" and "storm and strife" (Stanley Hall).

(d) Adolescence a "Phenomenon" which happens once in life time.

(e) Adolescence is a period of "teen age".

(f) Adolescence is a period of "youth".

(g) Adolescence is the period of "transition from childhood to adulthood".

(h) Adolescence is called the "revolutionary period" of human life.

(i) Adolescence is called a "sharp and distinct critical period" in development.

(j) Adolescence is a "period of second birth" (Hall's). 

(k) Adolescence may be called "sensitive" period in development. 

(l) Adolescence begins in "biology and ends in culture"

Needs of the Study of Adolescence Period

Adolescence is the most important period in human development about which poets, writers, historians have made references. It is a period of transition and a turning point in the life of the individual. The following are the needs to study the psychology of adolescence.

1. Understanding developmental characteristics

To study the adolescence period means to understand the growth and development in almost all dimensions of the above period. It helps the parents, teacher and all others who are responsible for proper development of the adolescents and guide him/her to adjust in a better way in the society.

2. Adjustment to responsibilities

The study of adolescence period helps the teachers and parents to know the responsibilities of the adolescents and guide them to live harmoniously without any emotional tension.

3. Maintenance of mental health

The study of adolescence helps the parents and teachers to prevent, cure and improve the deteriorating trends in mental health of adolescents.

4. Planning Curriculum and Education

The study of adolescence period help the teacher, curriculum workers and guidance personnel to plan curricular and co-curricular activities according to the needs, interests and aptitudes, etc., of adolescence.

5. To study the maturity and curiosity

The knowledge of the psychology of adolescence help the teacher and parents to understand the maturity level. behavioural characteristics and their curiosity in relation to the larger interest of the society.

Characteristics of Adolescence Period

Hurlock in her book 'Developmental Psychology' outlines the following characteristics of the adolescence period.

(1) Adolescence is an important period

Adolescence is a complex and often difficult period in development both for adolescents and for their families. Because of rapid physical, physiological and cognitive changes. and by an accelerating succession of urgent societal demands. adolescents face formidable challenges in the essential task of deciding who they are, what they are going to be, and how they are going to get these. Thus this is an important period of the human life.

(2) Adolescence is a transitional period

Adolescence is a period of transition and rapid change. Neither the person is called a child nor an adult because the individual has crossed the childhood and yet to react the stage of adulthood. Thus the status of the individual is vague and diffused and there is a confusion about the roles he/she is going to play. Sometimes his innocent behaviour is either called "childish" or "too big for his age".

(3) Adolescence is a period of change

It is a general characteristics of the adolescence period. During this stage there is a change in physical, psychological and sociological aspects of individuals along with values. attitudes, interests, and behaviours. Thus consistency and inconsistency is found out in the life cycle.

(4) Adolescence is a period of ego centric and problem age

The sudden and rapid changes of physical and psychological aspects during this stage create problem for the adolescents. Adolescent youth are interested to solve their problems independently and try to achieve independence from parents, establish co-operative and workable relationships with peers and prepare for a meaningful vocation. But sometime they do not have the capacity nor the experience to solve their problems, which itself create a problem for them.

(5) Adolescence is a time of search for identity

Each of the periods has its own problems which must be solved if the individuals are to enter the next period without handicap. Adolescence is perhaps no more important a stage of development then any other, but it is the last stage before adulthood, and it therefore, offers to both parents and teachers the last opportunity to educate a child for his adult responsibilities. During this period adolescents begin to search for their identity and try to develop individuality in their own way which sometimes lead to identity crisis in some adolescents.

(6) Adolescence is a period of unrealism

During this period the aspirations, thoughts and achievement, etc., are more idealistic rather than realistic. The young boys and girls think more unrealistic, false and absurd ideas which sometime hurt and disappoint them in life. It is found out that this false idealistic ideas disappears gradually and adolescent see their life, family and friends more realistically.

(7) Adolescence is a period of Hero-Worship and sexual maturity

During this period the boys and girls consider themselves they are the hero and heroine of the life cycle. They think they can do and undo everything during their life span without understanding the reality of the life. The above feelings take place due to the sudden sexual development on the part of the boys and girl

(8) Adolescence is a period of intensely emotion

During this period the youth often resulting in intense excitement and deep depression. Sometimes he/she may exhibit a "know-it-all" attitude. Boys like to be thought big, strong and healthy. Girls desire prettiness. In both the sexes there is interest in and emphasis on physical attractiveness and good grooming.

(9) Adolescence is a period of sexual delinquency

During this period sexual manifestation may cause self consciousness and desire for other ties. It is a period of mutual liking, thus homosexual and hetrosexual feelings create confusion among the adolescents.

(10) Adolescence is a period of high moral values and sacrifice

During this period high moral values is seen. The adolescents youth likes to serve in the fairs, festivals, social gatherings, etc., and sacrifice their own conveniences for social service due to their high moral feelings.
