Educational Psychology- Important notes


Educational Psychology

 Education psychology is necessary -  for education  and  parents  

 The main relation of educational psychology is with learning . This statement is -  Sorey  and  Telford 


In which book was the foundation of psychology laid  - Principles of Psychology  


The author of 'Principal of Psychology' published in America is -  William  James


The present form of education psychology is –  Comprehensive


According to Gaurison the aim of education psychology is –  knowledge of behavior  


According to Kuppuswami, the principles of educational psychology are best used -  in good  education  and best  learning  .


The main aim of educational psychology according to Kolesnik is  to solve the problems of education .     


The objectives of educational psychology according to Kelly are –  Nine


According to Skinner the general objectives of educational psychology are –  child  development


According to Skinner , the specific objectives of education psychology are –  to help determine the level and objectives of education according to the desirable behavior of children  .              


The field of educational psychology includes all those knowledge and methods which are helpful in understanding better than the process of learning. This statement is –  Lee  's


According to Gates, education is the limit of psychology –  unstable  and  changing


“On the basis of the particular stage, we should call someone a child, young or old.” This is the statement –  ​​Froebel 


Education should be the basis of principles according to Herbert -  Psychologist


According to Montessori, teaching work can be done effectively by a teacher only if he has knowledge  of –  Experimental nature of psychology  .   


There is a need of education psychology in the present time  –  child  centered  education


In the present time the need of education psychology is understood  –  in all round  development 


The main advantage of education psychology is  - teacher  -  student  relationship 


To recognize the students in the classroom on the basis of their differences, the teacher must have the knowledge  –  of educational  psychology 


Why are the periods of maths, science or difficult subjects kept first in the time table  on the basis of psychology  


For successful and effective education-learning process, it is necessary -  use of teaching -  learning  material  and  use of principles  of educational  psychology .    


Which subject is used more in guidance and counseling  Education  psychology 


Contribution to curriculum development on the basis of students' ability and  interest Education  Psychology 


IQ test subject is  of education  psychology 


Through the knowledge of teacher psychology, children  's  intelligence  and  interests  The teacher teaches by knowing about of the children through the knowledge  of  ,  teaches by  knowing the nature and teaches by taking information about the economic condition and family situation .                   


There is contribution of psychology in the field of education –  now  education should be  child  centered  .   has  ,  the teacher  tries to establish close contact with the children  and the teacher can have knowledge of the needs of  the students .                  


Educational psychology is a science  –  of educational  principles 


Education is considered to be the origin of psychology  year  1900


In parallel with the word 'psychology', the English language word 'psychology' is derived from which language  from the Greek  language 


Education psychology   is  related to education philosophy and psychology     


The literal meaning of  education   is  to nurture , bring forth  and lead .    


“Psychology is the science of the activities of persons exposed to the environment.” This is the  statement –  ​​Woodworth 


“Psychology is the basic science of education  ”  says Skinner 


How is the subject-content related to education psychology  learning


The children whose behavior is studied in educational psychology  are retarded backward and  problematic .   


Educational psychology studies within the process of learning  –  the study of the effect of motivation  and  reinforcement   


"Psychology is the science of the mind." This is the  statement Aristotle 


“Educational psychology is the cornerstone of teacher preparation. This statement is given  by  Skinner  .


To manage the data, the following work has to be done in relation to the collected data  –  classification  ,  tabulation graphical  representation .


Psychology helps in the field of education and tells whether  the aims of  education  are possible or not .     


The teacher should study education psychology so that with  the help of  it he can make his teaching more effective .        


“Psychology is the pure science of behavior” –  E.  Watson is the exponent of this definition.


The unconscious mind is studied –  by psychoanalytic  methods 


The father of the psychoanalytic system is  –  Singmund  Fried


Psychology is in the present time –  the science of behavior  


Education is not a subject area of ​​psychology  –  Educational  assessment


'Education is obtained at a certain place.' In what sense is this statement used  narrow meaning of education   


'Psyche '  means  human  soul  or  mind


Psychology was called the science of behavior Watson 


"Psychology is the scientific study of the mind, which includes not only intellectual, but also emotional feelings, stimulating forces and actions or behavior." This is the statement  - C.  W.  Valentine 


Psychology  -  is the science of the soul  ,  is the science  of  the mind  ,  is  the  science  of consciousness   


The factor that affects the human mind is the  person  's  interests  ,  aptitudes,  aptitudes  , environment  . 


The pure science of psychology is the mind  James  Drever 


Educational  psychology a part of psychology    


In relation to the nature of education psychology, it can be said that  it is universal but it is also universal .     


under  psychology  Under human is  studied  _  _  


The purpose of the study of educational psychology is  –  by the students    is  to influence the  learning of .    


Psychology helps in the field of education and clarifies  –  possibility of aim of education    


The teacher does not have a direct need for the study of educational psychology  physical  fitness


Manoya is concerned with the study of animal behavior, while the field of education psychology is  the study of  human behavior  ,  educational situations  .       , human  behavior  in . 


The parts of the  teaching  process are  the  objectives of teaching  ,  knowledge experiences that make teaching  meaningful  ,  evaluation of teaching     


The basic objective of education psychology is  keeping  in mind the abilities and abilities of the students ,  by learning something by them .                 is the , it  them .   


Education is related  to the purpose of  education  and     class  environment  and  environment  .


The field of education psychology is  –  broad


The general purpose of education psychology is  development of the personality of the child   ,  in the teaching work .       assistance  and improvement in teaching  methods .  


“On the basis of the experiences of a particular person, we should call someone a child, young and old.” This is the statement  –  ​​Froebel 


The main objective of education psychology is  child  centered 
