Growth and Development During Adolescence { Part 3 }

Growth and Development during Adolescence

Adolescence begins in biology and ends in culture. It is a period of growth which is characterised by rapid physical, emotional, social, moral and intellectual developments. The following are the developments during adolescence.

(a) Physical growth/changes in Adolescence

(1) Height and Weight (size) and bodily development:

Adolescence is a period of rapid physical growth and dramatic bodily changes. There is a sudden change in height and weight due to hyper activity of endocrine glands. The girls are about two years ahead of the boys in the early adolescence in almost all the physical growth and maturity but boys are able to compensate it in the later part of the adolescence period. The glands become active and there is increased production of hormones. Arms and heart also grow in length and size. There is growth in bones and muscles and as a consequence adolescent become conscious and comes to acquire great energy and power.

(ii) Appearance and voices

There is a change in appearance, face is more angular, sound is hoarse and high-pitched and sweeter in case of girls. Many boys begin to shave, though most of them have little reason to do so. Slowly not only face whiskers but also hair comes on the forearms, and legs and chest begin to appear in a goodshape. In case of females, the face takes on a softer look, the lips become fuller and the breast start filling out.

(iii) Change in body functions

With the secretion of hormones from ductless glands there is change in body functions. The muscles hardens, menstruation starts in girls and night emissions in boys. The sensory and motor organs assume their complete development during this period. Cole said 'Adolescence is a period of growth in all systems of the body to the fullest and greatest possible extent. Stanley Hall pointed out that "not only motor activity increases but there is also a great development in the motor power".

Thus adolescence is a period of growth. In the course of a few years the individual undergoes changes in both size and proportion-changes that take him/her from a childish to a mature level. The rapidity, variety, and force of these developments are alike bewildering, even though they are sometimes exciting and satisfactory. The alternations are indeed so extensive that some people have regarded adolescence as a sort of second birth. Usually there some degree of mal co-ordination to be seen during the period. is therefore essential that teachers should keep in mind the physical background of adolescence so that effective learning can takes place.

The most characteristic developments during adolescence are the lengthening of all the long bones and the final articulation of all the bones at their respective joints, changes which underlie the increases in height and strength. The wisdom teeth appear, causing some trouble, the face changes a great deal and loses its childish contours by the end of adolescence period.

(b) Sexual development

Puberty, the 'centering event of adolescence, refers to the beginning of sexual maturity. The maturity of the sex glands is the most important single development of the adolescent years. In case of the males the penis, growth of pubic hair, prostate gland and seminal vesicles begin to work. Similarly in females gradual enlargement of the reproductive organs. change in ovaries and uterus, development of breasts, pelvic area and menstruation starts. All girls become self-conscious about this type of change. Both boys and girls develop attraction towards the opposite sex. Members of both sexes display a variety of attitudes towards the changes in their bodily functions and these attitudes influence their personalities, their school work, and their general adjustment to life.

(c) Mental Development during Adolescence

During the adolescence the capacity to acquire and to utilise knowledge reaches its peak efficiency. Adolescent becomes capable of accomplishing more easily, more quickly and more efficiently intellectual tasks and he or she is able to define problems and to give reason about them. Thus there is a marked growth in mental power. He can apply logical thought to all classes of problems. Problem solving behaviour also appears at this stage. The adolescent can plan carefully, design an experiment appropriately, observe the results accurately and draw conclusions rightly.

In simple sense we can say that adolescents may concentrate for longer time, think abstractly, development of permanent memory starts, imagination power increases, development of logic, more curious to ask questions, become critical to everything, start thinking about their future vocations, marked increase in vocabulary and matures mentally.

He has a greater ability to form concepts, the concept of time gradually gains in clarity and tendency to over-generalise the concept is still present. The adolescent shows an increased Interest in national and International affairs and is seriously concerned about his place in society and his success in his role.

He is more introspective and analytical and Piaget called it formal operation period of cognitive development. This period of intellectual development is the ability to "see through" situations of all kinds to their inner meaning.

(d) Religious beliefs and Moral Development during

An interest in or a revolt against religion is an integral part of adolescence. In spite of a small minority of highly verbal cynics, religion continues to play a part in human existence and is of special value during the adolescent years in formulating ideals and standards of conduct.

By the time the child reaches adolescence, his moral conduct is fairly well informed and he is capable of understanding what is right and what is wrong. The desire to reform the world and to do some good work during life time is very strong. Most young people want to find a satisfactory philosophy of life and his values are influenced by peer group than by parental values system.

(e) Emotional Development during Adolescence

Emotional life of adolescence concerns loyalties to the group, aggression and affection. Peel has commented that "the adolescent is beset by problems of divided loyalties. accentuated by the lack of adult privileges and responsibilities. He thus appears excessively aggressive and then excessively shy, excessively affectionate and then quite suddenly detached and cool because of bodily changes." Thus, sometimes he is "hillarious" but on the otherhand he is extremely "melancholy". He is also very sensitive and does not welcome any criticism or attack on his prestige.

Strange feelings capture the minds of adolescents. Sex consciousness raises the feelings of curiosity, secretiveness and guilt. He has a strong group feelings and loves adventure, travel and wandering. Emotions become realistic and some time he is over-joyed by his success but at the sametime he is extremely depressed and sad by imagining the problems of finding a job. Adolescents may be termed as moody because their emotions fluctuate too rapidly.

The onset of sexual maturity also contributes to adolescent fears and anxiety. Emotions become intensed like hate some one strongly and love passionately. If they suffer from inferiority complex and do not get their dues they may think to run out from the house (to do some better work) and also to commit suicide, if it becomes more perplexed.

(1) Social Development during Adolescence

Adolescents are tremendously sensitive to social stimuli. They react faster and more deeply to the influence of their age-mates than to that of adults. Adolescents strive for psychological separation from their parents. Gregarious instinct plays an important role in this period. He continues to be a member of a gang or group. Adolescents often act in very inconsistent ways. Peer group relationship established according to their sex, interests, abilities and attitudes.

During the teenage years, hetrosexual relationships emerge. Development of conscience and "peer culture", the sum total of spontaneous social manifestations among age mates, is most influential during the adolescence. Self consciousness increases, want to be praised by others and want social approval of their mode of behaviour, development of leadership qualities and love social service and like to serve in the fairs, festivals, social gatherings, etc. During this period adolescents follow adult culture patterns in their behaviour. Loyalty to group is strengthened and develop insight into social human relation. They often come into conflict with adults on social problems and tradition of the community.
