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July 23, 2022
स्मृति व स्मरण (Memory & Remembering)
स्मृति व स्मरण
July 12, 2022
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs or Maslow's Theory of Self-Actualization
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needsor
Maslow's Theory of Self-Actualization
The theory of self-actualization was developed by Abraham Maslow (1954). Maslow has presented his ideas in Maslow Theory, also known as Maslow need theory, through a journal A theory of human motivation in 1943 and after this magazine in his famous book Motivation and Personality of Humans. written in relation to the sequential requirements of. It is known as the most important theory of motivation in psychology and this theory of Maslow is also known as Need Hierarchy Model. His approach to understand human personality and motivation is different from other psychologists. He put forth the theory that man's basic needs are arranged in a "hierarchy". The appearance of one need generally depends on the satisfaction of the others. They are closely related to each other and may be arranged from the lowest to the highest development of the personality. The five sets of basic needs is given in hierarchy as follows:
1. Physiological Needs
While the physiological needs, i.e., the need for the food or hunger, thirst, sex, etc., are necessary for survival are at the bottom of the structure the psychological needs, i.e., self actualization are at the top. Starting from the satisfaction of the physiological needs, every individual strives for the satisfaction of the other needs of a higher order and this striving provides motivation for his/her behaviour. In this way the motivational behaviour of a person is always dominated not by his/her satisfied needs but by his/her unsatisfied wants, desires and needs.
2. Safety Needs
When the basic needs are gratified or successfully fulfilled then safety needs become a dominant force in the personality of the individual. It means maintaining order and security and concern about their future safety. Hoarding money. purchase buildings, land and invest in LIC, etc., belongs to safety need and feeling psychologically secure.
3. Belongingness and Love Needs
When these needs are gratified the third need like belongingness and love need becomes operational. The individual is interested in making intimate relationship with other members of the society, being an accepted member of an organized group and interested to identify with the group life. But in big cities, people living in the same building do not know the next door neighbour and have no social life.
4. Self - Esteem Needs or Independence
The fourth order of needs are esteem need. It means reputation, self respect, prestige, self-regard, status and social success and fame. One feels hurt when his/her self respect is injured. There are many status symbols in the society which give the feelings of self-esteem as possessing a house, land or bank balance, titles of honour and automobile, etc. Another type of esteem need is the need to feel superior to others. This need is gratified by purchasing of items as good and costly clothes. Maslow believed that suffient gratification of the esteem needs lessens their dominating force in a person's life and enabling him/her to move in the direction of self-actualization.
5. Self - Actualization
The highest need is self-actualization. An individual can actualize his/her potentialities as a human being only after fulfilling the higher level needs life love and esteem. Maslow writes that "A musician must make music, an artist must paint. a poet must write poetry, if he/she is to be ultimately at peace with himself/herself. What a man can be, he must be. He/She must be true to his/her own nature. This need we may call self-actualization."
When an individual is creative, non-conformists have sense of humour, keep means and ends distinguishable, democratic outlook, appreciate basic goods of life, high degree of spontaneity and simplicity, detachment, autonomous and accept themselves with others are the characteristics of self actualizers.
Thus the fulfilment of self-actualization is a must for an individual otherwise he/she will feel discontented and restless unless he/she strives for what he/she is fitted for.
The theory of self-actualization was developed by Abraham Maslow (1954). Maslow has presented his ideas in Maslow Theory, also known as Maslow need theory, through a journal A theory of human motivation in 1943 and after this magazine in his famous book Motivation and Personality of Humans. written in relation to the sequential requirements of. It is known as the most important theory of motivation in psychology and this theory of Maslow is also known as Need Hierarchy Model. His approach to understand human personality and motivation is different from other psychologists. He put forth the theory that man's basic needs are arranged in a "hierarchy". The appearance of one need generally depends on the satisfaction of the others. They are closely related to each other and may be arranged from the lowest to the highest development of the personality. The five sets of basic needs is given in hierarchy as follows:
1. Good has defined: Motivation is the process of arousing, sustaining and regulating an activity.
Theories of Motivation
Functions of Motivation
Types of Motivation
Functions of Motivation
Techniques of Classroom Motivation
July 05, 2022
Meaning and Definition of Forgetting
Causes of Forgetting
Theoretical Causes
1. Theory of Disuse: The psychologists who favour this theory say that when an individual learns something, some memory traces are formed in his brain, and he memorizes the learnt material or activities with the help of these memory traces; however, if these are not repeated, these memory traces are erased with the passage of time and the individual forgets the learnt material or activities. Of course, an individual is not able to forget some motor skills, as riding a bicycle, driving a car, swimming, etc. even without practice over a long period of time. In addition to this, the material or activity that has been over-learnt by him, he does not forget that also, such as the national anthem learnt during childhood. Some bitter experiences are also remembered the whole life, as some fire accident, drowning in water, being insulted by somebody, etc.
General Causes
Following are the general causes of forgetting:
1. Ill-health: An individual forgets the learnt things due to ill-health.
2. Mental Illness: The learnt things are forgotten due to mental illnesses, mental instability, mental hurt, mental conflict, etc.
3. Nature of Learnt Material: If the learnt material is simple and meaningful, it is memorized over a long time; on the other hand, complex and meaningless material is forgotten soon.
4. Quantity of Learnt Material: If the quantity of learnt material is more, then there is a possibility of forgetting it fully or partially. This also depends on the nature of the material.
5. Methods of Learning: The material learnt by uninteresting methods is forgotten sooner.
6. Incomplete Learning: If a material is learnt incompletely, then it is forgotten sooner.
7. Time Interval: When a long interval of time has elapsed after having learnt a material and it is hardly used in the interval, then the material is generally forgotten.
8. Disuse: Disinterest, inattention and disuse of a material cause the forgetting of a material.
5. Methods of Learning: The material learnt by uninteresting methods is forgotten sooner.
6. Incomplete Learning: If a material is learnt incompletely, then it is forgotten sooner.
7. Time Interval: When a long interval of time has elapsed after having learnt a material and it is hardly used in the interval, then the material is generally forgotten.
8. Disuse: Disinterest, inattention and disuse of a material cause the forgetting of a material.
Means of Minimizing Forgetting
All those measures are adopted for diminishing forgetting which are applied for enhancing memory. These measures are as follows:
Importance of Forgetting in Education
July 04, 2022
Stages of Memory
Steps of Memory Process
Characteristics of Good Memory
Types of Memory
Methods of Memorization
7. Passive Method: In this method, a child repeats the content in his mind without speaking. This method is suitable for the students of higher classes and adults.
8. Method of Association of Ideas: In this method, the material to be learnt is associated with other things. It helps to memorize the material rapidly and it is retained in the memory over a prolonged period.
9. Recitation Method: In this method, a child recites the content by speaking and then recalls it after closing the book. Gates, in his experiments, found the recitation method as more useful as compared to continuous reading.
Factors Influencing Memory
Means of Improving Memory of Children
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