Comparison Between Classical And Opreant Conditioning


    Classical Conditioning                                                               Operant Conditioning


1. It was developed by Russian Physiologist               1. It was developed by B.F Skinner.       Ivan P. Pavlov.

2. It is known as Respondent/ Types or signal             2. It is known as Type R/Instrumental  conditioning.                                                                 conditioning.                                     

3. In classical conditioning the CR and UCR              3. In operant conditioning they are       are the same.                                                                different, i.e.. pressing the lever is                                                                                              different from eating food.

4. In classical conditioning reinforcement                   4. In operant conditioning the response is provided by the unconditioned stimulus.                  causes conditioned reinforcement to                                                                                          appear. 

5. In classical conditioning the association                  5. In operant conditioning association between (S-R) is on the basis of law of                       between (S-R) is on the basis of law    contiguity.                                                                     of effect.

6. Reinforcement, i.e., food is presented                      6. Reinforcement is provided after the first to elicit the response here.                                     response is made by the organism. 

7. The essence of learning is stimulus                          7. The essence of learning is response substitution.                                                                   modification.

8. In this type of conditioning beginning is                  8. Here beginning is made with the made with the help of specific stimull that bring                        responses occur naturally.  certain responses.

9. It is stimulus oriented.                                               9. It is response oriented.

10. Classical conditioning is limited to                         10. Operant conditioning is limited to  autonomic response.                                                     skeletal behaviour.              
