Verbal and Non-Verbal Group Intelligence Test


Verbal Group Intelligence Test

1. Name of the Test: General Mental Ability Test, 1963

2. Constructor of the Test: Dr. S. Jalota

3. Qualities to be measured: General intelligence (G)

4. Utility: This test is meant for measurement of general intelligence of children.

5. Number of items: There are 100 questions (items) in this test.

They are of 7 types:

(i) Dynonyms                                         (ii)Antonyms

(iii) Number series                                 (iv) Classification

(v) Best answers                                     (vi) Inferences

(vii) Analogies

6. Administration of the Test: This test is administered as follows:

(i) At first the seating arrangement for the examines is made in a peaceful room. The gap between any two seats is such that the examines are not able to talk to one another or to copy.

(ii) After this, the examines are seated on the specified seats and rapport is established with them before giving the test to them.

(iii) When the examines are in a normal state of mind, they are given necessary directions and then the test papers are distributed among them.

(iv) The examiner sees to it that the examines do their work independently: none of them asks anything from another, nor do they copy. The examiner can take the help of his associates in this task.

(v) The test papers are taken back after the specified time.

7. Scoring of the test: Marks are awarded on the tests. The mental age of the children is ascertained on the basis of obtained marks. After this, the ratio of their mental age and chronological age is multiplied by 100 to calculate their intelligence quotient. At last, they are classified on the basis of their intelligence quotient, as given in the table.

Non-Verbal or Performance Group Intelligence Test

1. Name of the Test: Raven's Progressive Matrix 

2. Constructor of the Test: J.C. Raven

3. Quality to be measured: General intelligence (G)

4. Utility: This test has three forms:

(i) Standard Progressive Matrix (S.P.M.), 1957: It is meant to measure the intelligence of the children from 6 years of age to adult persons.

(ii) Advanced Progressed Matrix (A.P.M.), 1965: It is useful for the measurement of intelligence of the children from 11%½ years of age to adults of 40 years of age with high intelligence.

(iii) Coloured Progressive Matrix (C.P.M.), 1967: This test is useful for the measurement of intelligence of the children from 5½ to 11½ years of age.

5. Number of items: In this test, there are:

(i) 5 sets in S.P.M. and each of them has 12 questions each; thus having a total of 60 questions.

(ii) 2 sets in A.P.M., the first set has 12 questions and the second has 36 questions, thus having a total of 48 questions.

(iii) 3 sets in C.P.M., and each of them has 12 questions, thus having a total of 36 questions.

 6. Administration of the Test: We take the administration of S.P.M. here:

(i) At first, the examines are seated in the room at ease, with the suitable gap between them so that they may not talk and help each other.

(ii) The test papers are distributed to them.

(iii) They are shown the model item in the test booklet and suitable directions are given to them. 

Look, there is a pattern on the upper part of the page. A part of it has been cut out from the right side. Now look at the lower part of the page. There are six patterns. On of them is such which can fit into the empty place in the above patter correctly to complete the pattern.

Tell, which is that pattern.

The examines will look and think. Then the examiner will tell that i is pattern number 4.

Children, this test booklet has the patterns of this type. First open the first page, look at the pattern and write the number of the pattern that can be fitted into the empty place. Then go on to the second page, and third page, and so on, to write the pattern numbers. The time specified for this test is 40 minutes.

7. Scoring of the Test: Though the basic norms of this test pertain to Britain, because it has been standardised in Britain for the sample including children from 6 years of age to adults of 65 years of age, yet international norms have also been prepared, and we have prepared them for our country too. Intelligence quotient is calculated on the basis of obtained marks in the test, as per directions given in the manual.
