Agencies of Education: Formal, Informal and Non-Formal

Agencies of Education: Formal, Informal and Non-Formal

Meaning and Definition of Agencies of Education 

Education is a social process. The social group or organization of which the individual is a member, he takes part in its social consciousness, and as a result of this interaction, his behaviour is influenced. These social groups or organizations that take forward the educational process are called agencies of education. By the word agent is meant worker, representative, broker or means. From this viewpoint, agency should mean a place where an agent works. But by agencies of education is meant such groups or organizations which help individuals in their education directly or indirectly. 

In the words of B.D. Bhatia

"Society has developed a number of specialized institutions to carry out the functions of education. These institutions are known as the agencies of education."

But the fact is that almost all social groups and organizations, whether they have been constituted to carry out educational task or any other tasks, they certainly influence the education of people directly or indirectly. Agencies of education should be defined as follows : "By agencies of education is meant those social groups and organizations which help in the education of people in any way, directly or indirectly."

Classification of Agencies of Education

Education is a social process that is conducted in all social groups and organizations knowingly or unknowingly. From educational viewpoint, all these groups and organizations are called agencies of education. They are so many and numerous in themselves that it is difficult to classify them. But some educationists have attempted to classify them keeping the chief agencies of education in view. Of them, three chief classes are discussed here.

Formal, Informal and Non-Formal  Agencies of Education

Most scholars have classified agencies of education into two parts formal and informal. Some scholars have called the agencies as different from these two as non-formal.

From etymological viewpoint, the agencies that arrange formal education should be called formal agencies; those that arrange non-formal education should be called non-formal agencies and those that arrange informal education should be called informal agencies. But from this viewpoint, all agencies will be included in all the three classes. For example, family is chiefly an informal agency of education, but it also helps in non-formal and formal education. In fact, this classification has been done on this basis whether an agency has been constituted for education of the children or adults, or with some other purpose.

Formal Agencies of Education

Formal agencies of education are those social groups or organizations which the society constitutes especially for education; such as education department of the government and teaching institutions (schools, colleges and universities). The education that is arranged by these agencies, its aim, curriculum and teaching methods are specified. The students receive education under the care and guidance of teachers. In one sentence, we can say that these agencies run education in a planned manner.

The society or state realizes its aims through these agencies. In the absence of formal agencies, it is not possible to transfer all acquired attributes and achievements in a complex society to its next generation. These agencies help the children in learning which they cannot learn through informal agencies. It is essential to constitute these agencies for science and technology education. Not only this, they are required to systematize and give proper direction to the knowledge and conduct learned from informal agencies.

But these agencies have their own limitations. The education of children in the age group of 1-3 years cannot be made by them. Difficulty is also faced in arranging education for children in the age group of 3-5 years, and it is the time when the foundation of child's personality is laid. Besides, another shortcoming of these agencies is that they generally lay emphasis on bookish knowledge and comparatively less on code of conduct. Sometimes they think that their duty is to complete the specified curriculum only, and in such a case, it becomes the end in place of being a means.

Informal Agencies of Education 

Informal agencies of education are those social groups or organizations that are constituted of their own under the social structure, and which have no aim of arranging formal or non-formal education, but they influence the education of the children, youths and adults knowingly or unknowingly, such as family, community and religious institutions, etc. The education conducted in these agencies has no specific aims, curriculum or teaching methods. Here the people learn naturally by coming in contact with each other.

Much of education of the people is conducted in these agencies, so they an very important. Formal agencies have provision of purposeful education, but the children receive education in behaviour and code of conduct by informal agencies They have a great significance in the education of language, lifestyle and eating manners, customs and traditions and conduct. These agencies significantly contribute in the preservation and development of civilization and culture. American educationist in John Dewey considered these agencies as accidental, natural and significant. According to him, real education of the children is conducted in these institutions, their intelligence develops, their imagination sharpens and they adjust in the society. These agencies also construct formal agencies of education.

But informal agencies too have their own limitations. By them systematized education cannot be provided. Modern social life has become so complex that we cannot understand it without providing systematized education. The education of different skill cannot be imparted by these informal agencies. Formal agencies are needed for vocational and industrial education too.

Non-Formal Agencies of Education

Non-formal agencies of education are those social groups or organizations that provide non-formal education for children, youths and adults. It is clear that the education run by these agencies, have generally specified aims, curriculum and teaching methods, etc.

The children that are unable to receive formal education and the illiterates whe want to study, the non-formal agencies of education play a vital role in their education They also contribute in providing update knowledge to the literate youths and adults in their respective fields. The truth remains that mass education, adult education and continuing education are conducted through these non-formal agencies of education.

Some scholars call libraries, reading rooms and playgrounds as formal agencies, while some call them informal agencies.

Balance in Formal, Informal and Non-Formal Agencies 

All the three formal, non-formal and informal agencies of education play a vital role in the development of a child. If we think we find that child's education begins at home. We are also aware of the influence of family, neighbourhood and other social groups in his education. Here we think it sufficient to mention that these institutions of education have vital role to play in the child's education and the credit for the arrangement of formal agencies goes to them. Their importance in the field of education should be accepted.

On the other hand, our social development has arrived at a very complex station. We have generally made unprecedented progress in almost all fields. We need systematized education for understanding them. Systematized education is provided by formal agencies, especially by schools Schools provide equal opportunities to all children to develop according to their interest, aptitude and needs.

But formal and non-formal agencies cannot succeed in their task until informal agencies of education do not help them. In the present age, all the three of formal, non-formal and informal types of agencies of education have their own significance. The success of each of them depends on every other. They should work in cooperation. If formal, non-formal and informal agencies cooperate with each other, our education system would be effective and fruitful. We should make efforts for it.
