July 08, 2023

Globalization : Meaning, Definition, India and Globalization, Globalization of Education in India, Advantages and Disadvantages


Meaning and Definition of Globalization

The etymological meaning of the term 'globalization' is to propagate extend some thought, activity or object in the entire world. In the present context meaning is somewhat different and a little more extensive. Until a few years ago, term was used only in commerce; at that time, globalization meant to allow different countries to trade in one another's countries, to approve setting up industry manufacture, sell and purchase goods. However, at present, its scope has exponent  -days, all countries of the world have become proximal due to mean transport and development of telecommunication technology, and all are be influenced by the development occurring in another country. Now, almost all court are exchanging in social, cultural, economic, political, scientific and technological fie to effect development in their own countries. Presently, the process of globalization does not integrate economy alone, it also embraces culture and technology etc. 

In words of Knight :

By globalization is meant the increasing flow of technology, finance, trade, knowledge, values and thoughts across borders.

However, increasing flow across borders does not signify interrelation between nations, nor does it signify exchange. Therefore, in our view, it should defined in the following words :

By globalization at present means establishing interrelations with ea other country of the world and making change in each field of life-culture economic, political, scientific and technical.

India and Globalization

It has become necessary for any country in the world now that it undertake exchanges in all fields of life with all other countries of the world in order to maintain continuity in its progress and to march together with them. India is a developing count and its goal is to enter the class of developed countries by the year 2020; for which is essential that the process of globalization is adopted. In its absence, how could have attained nuclear and space technology from developed countries! It is absolute necessary for it to join in this process in order to achieve rapid development. Of course the process of globalization has also caused disadvantages in addition to advantages.

Globalization has helped to increase agricultural production with a higher demand for it abroad. It has increased competition in the industrial field, so production and quality have shot up together with demand in other countries. This has helped to raise the foreign exchange reserve in the country. Import of nuclear and space technology has made the country the sixth major power in the world. In sum, the country is making strides in progress in every field. According to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the former President, our country will be one of the developed countries before 2020.

In spite of these advantages, the country is also facing some disadvantages. It is the influence of globalization that our spirituality-oriented culture is being replaced by materialistic culture. It is the influence of foreign political policies on our native political policies that once we went for public enterprises, but now we are marching towards privatization. In the economic field, the influence of globalization appears to be pleasing, yet its distant outcomes will be quite harmful. Being part of the process of globalization, a number of foreign companies are setting up their industries and trade centers in our country, which is giving employment to our educated youth. Also, our industrialists are setting up industries in other countries and are earning vital foreign: exchange. All these are very fascinating dreams. The truth is that our profit is good, but what the foreign companies earn here is ten times as much. Its negative impact is that the consumption of native goods has been fallen day by day. The day is not far when our small native industries will be closed down and foreign industries will have their sway. Not only this, giving concession to harmful products like wine, beer, soft drinks and junk foods will amount to giving open invitation to newer diseases. Our field is education, so we think it necessary to discuss the influence of globalization in the field of education.

Globalization of Education in India

The meaning of globalization of education is not restricted to exchange of educational views among different countries and get education abroad, but it also comprises setting up educational institutions in one-other countries. At present, there are several such educational institutions in our country which are recognized and affiliated to foreign educational institutions (boards and universities); they run their courses, conduct examinations for students studying in them and grant them certificates and degrees, and these certificates and degrees are recognized in our country. On the other hand, there are a number of educational institutions of our country being run in other countries, and their certificates and degrees are recognized in those countries. The IGNOU has set up a number of centers abroad.

A few years ago, it came to light that there are several such foreign universities in India that have set up their educational centers here, but they are not recognized in their respective countries, while they are charging hefty fee from students here. The then HRD minister, Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi had talked of bringing these under control, but the fact remains that a network of these institutions is covering the whole of India. The Government of India has allowed up to 50 percent foreign direct investment in the field of higher education. This has opened the path for foreign recognized universities to enter joint ventures with India's government and recognize private universities and open campuses. The government argues in favour of decision that about 1,30,000 students go abroad to get higher education and take admission in universities there, and they have to spend as much as 4 billion dollar per annum. If these campuses are established in India, the number of Indian student going abroad will come down and consequently the expenditure incurred by them w come down too. Yet another merit of it is that the students who can not go abroad d to any reason would be able to get that education in the country itself. This argument does not bode well. Why is there so much of attraction for foreign degrees? Can note of our universities provide a matching higher education? We need to emancipam ourselves from this intellectual slavery. But it is inevitable for the country at present Therefore, we should consider its merits and demerits before accepting it with  precaution.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization of Education in India

At present, education is being globalised in the country, yet it amounts to lea of advantage and more of disadvantage. Let us discuss the advantages and disadvantage of globalization of education in the Indian context.

Advantages of Globalization of Education

(1) Foreign universities will introduce newer courses and youth of India will be benefited from them.

(2) Entry of foreign universities in India will start a competition between India and foreign universities, which will raise the quality of Indian universities.

(3) The thought and achievements in educational field will benefit each other.

(4) India will make still higher advancement in the technological field. 

(5) Globalization of education will mean the arrival of foreign universities in the country and ours going to other countries; this will help exchange culture and civilization.

(6) Cultural tolerance will be cultivated in all countries.

 (7) It will enhance international goodwill. 

Disadvantages of Globalization of Education

(1) India comes next to China in terms of population. Ten to one will be the ratio between the educational institutions coming in and going out, this will result into the foreign educational institutions making a lot of money.

(2) These educational institutions will come equipped with newer courses, resulting into import of textbooks, which will be a loss-making endeavour.

(3) In toto, these foreign educational institutions will prove to be costlier than the self-financed educational institutions. 

(4) Despite their being expensive, people will be attracted to them, and a new elite class will emerge in the country.

(5) These foreign educational institutions will bring with them their culture; the western culture will have an even wider influence. 

(6) In a few years, these institutions will start to lead us intellectually, and our prestige will be in jeopardy.

(7) Neo-imperialism will be encouraged in the name of globalization, knowingly or unknowingly.

An Opinion

However, disadvantageous globalization of education might be, but under the changing situations of the world, we would have to adopt it. What is needed is to exercise some caution as follows:

(1) The educational institutions of only those countries should be allowed to enter India that allow India's educational institutions enter their countries.

(2) Only those foreign educational institutions should be allowed to operate in India which are recognized in their home countries.

(3) Besides, it is also necessary that only those educational institutions of our country should be allowed to set up campuses abroad which are recognised here. It is essential to have uniform conditions of exchange.

(4) The foreign educational institutions coming to India should first enter in joint venture with some government recognized Indian universities of India, 

(5) The Government of India should have control over the programmes and fee of all foreign educational institutions. 

(6) All those rules should be enforced on these foreign educational institutions which are enforced on Indian educational institutions. 

(7) A controller regulator like the UGC should be set up to overlook the control of these foreign educational institutions. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:46:00 PM

    It got really some nice content.


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