International Understanding
Meaning and Definition of International Understanding
By international understanding is meant good understanding and goodwill among different nations of the world. By understanding is meant the knowledge of culture, science and technology and of other fields of other nations; and by goodwill is meant possessing a liberal attitude towards the culture of other nations and exchange in the field of science and technology. It is the stage in which the developed nations help the backward and developing nations in their development. However, some people take the meaning of internationalism differently. According to them, internationalism is that feeling which takes out an individual out of the national limit and makes him a citizen of the global nation.
In the words of Goldsmith: Internationalism is a feeling that the individual is not only a member of his state, but a citizen of the world.
It means that there is a global nation above nations, and all individuals are also the citizens of this global nation besides being the citizens of their own nations. In such a case, the definitions of nation and citizenship will continue to change. The reality is that the spirit of internationalism does not create a global nation, rather it believes in the independent existence of all nations of the world. It is a political concept which is based on the following five basic principles
(1) Peaceful coexistence.
(2) Cooperation
3) Non-interference in internal matters.
(4) Non-aggression.
(5) Peaceful solution to problems.
Now we can define internationalism in the following way:
When there exists good understanding and goodwill among different nations and they believe in coexistence and cooperation, then it is called international understanding or internationalism.
Emotional Integration, National Integration and Internationalism
When two or more persons bind themselves with 'we' feeling on the basis of caste, sex, religion, culture, profession or any other basis, it is called emotional integration. Its scope can be smallest to largest National integration and international are the broad form of this National integration is that feeling of oneness in the people of a nation based on common interest, that binds them to their nation despite their differences on the basis of regions, castes, sexes, religions, cultures and on other bases, and they give their individual and collective interests before national interests.
And internationalism is that feeling that creates for understanding and Goodwill among different nations and the different nations of the world believe in coexistence and cooperation.
There are two forms of nationalism narrow nationalism and liberal nationalism.
Narrow nationalism (my nation is best) does not believe in the basic principles of internationalism coexistence and cooperation; it keeps the individual limited to the national interests only; so there is basic difference between it and internationalism. However, liberal nationalism allows the individual to respect other nations besides his own and does not permit harm to other nations in the interest of his own nation. This liberal attitude gives birth to coexistence and cooperation. It has no conflict with internationalism. Really, individuals can work in the interests of other nations too while being loyal to their own nations; this is true nationalism and it i internationalism too.
Merits and Demerits of Internationalism –
Man has his own unique nature; his heart is the abode of love and hate our cooperation and non-cooperation and peace and war at the same time. His feeling for love, cooperation and peace has given birth to internationalism. The development of this feeling will benefit the world in the following ways:
(1) All nations of the world will abide by the principles of coexistence and cooperation and conflict among them will cease.
(2) The developed nations will cooperate in the development of developing and the backward nations and backwardness of the nations will be rid of.
(3) There will be no fear of wars and the whole power of all nations will directed towards human welfare.
(4) The money spent on wars will be saved and it will help rise the standard of human life.
(5) Internationalism is the demand of humanity, it must be developed.
Demerits Or Disadvantages
(1) The feeling of competition among nations will cease and it is beyond h conception that any nation will still develop at the same rate.
(2) When the developed and strong nations will help the undeveloped and weak nations of the world only on the basis of humanity, it will make half the population of the world inactive.
(3) It is mere fantasy that a nation will help any other nation without a selfish motive.
(4) The rich nations will only exploit, the poor nations.
(5) Internationalism is the sweet slogan of exploiters, it is a political movement, we should be careful of it.
Need of International Understanding in the Modern Age
Our country India taught universal fraternity thousands of years ago. The welfare of people of the world is inherent in it. But the internationalism that we are king about is the contribution of the modern age. Universal fraternity is the principle Vedic religion, internationalism is the need of modern politics. Attention towards Internationalism was first given in 1912, by the then American President Taft in order prevent the First World War, but he did not succeed in it. The League of Nations stormed in 1920, but it could not prevent the Second World War. The United Nations Organization (UNO) was formed in 1945. At present, the world is passing rough a new turn of events. International understanding is essential today in order to understand the world from future political calamities:
1. For the Protection of Independent Existence of Nations.
2. For the Cessation of Wars.
3. For the Fulfillment of Physical Needs.
4. For International Trade.
5. For the Development of Backward Nations.
6. For the Well-Being of Mankind.
Obstacles in the Development of International Understanding
All nations of the world are feeling the need of international understanding today, especially the undeveloped and developing nations, and they are making for its development too; but it has not happened due to some causes. These causes as follows:
1. Narrow Nationalism
2. Different Political Ideologies
3. Different National Groups
4. Cultural Differences
Development of International Understanding
In 1912, the then American President Traft hapd made efforts to call an international conference at Hague in order to prevent the world war, yet he did not succeed in it and it culminated in the First World War in 1914. More attention was paid to the need of internationalism after this. The UNO was founded for this purpose. The UNO supports the principles of coexistence, non-interference in internal matters, non-aggression and peaceful solution to problems. One of its agencies is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Its chief function is the development of international understanding.
Role of UNESCO in the Development of International Understanding
The functions of UNESCO, as far as the development of internationalism is concerned, are very important. This agency of the UNO provides education at the international level and makes effort in creating the spirit of internationalism in the children of different countries.
It is contributing especially in the countries that have suffered during the second world war and other backward countries of the world.
It is making efforts for the removal of illiteracy and ignorance from the world. Thus, it is educating every individual in the world in order to expand his attitude.
This organization also conducts teacher exchange programmes, excursions in other countries and organization of cultural programmes in order to bring the people of the world nearer.
This also organizes art and literature exhibitions of international level in different countries.
The UNESCO believes that wars start in the mind. When the people have the feeling of enmity in their minds, wars occur. Enmity towards one another develops on several bases. The most powerful basis for this is cultural difference. So the UNESCO lays foremost emphasis on the development and synthesis of the cultures. It helps develop internationalism.
The UNESCO distributes related literature among all member nations. Through this literature, the children are acquainted with the aims and methodology of the organization and make effort to organize international festivals in their schools.
Thus, the UNESCO believes in the exchange of education, science and culture, and is especially active in this field. We should cooperate with it in order to give momentum to its efforts.
Education is the basic means of development of internationalism. For development of internationalism by education, we will have to do two tasks. narrow nationalism and development of internationalism.
Methods of Preventing Narrow Nationalism
In order to prevent the expansion of narrow nationalism, we have to our attitude.
First, we have to develop in the students respect for other languages and flags, besides our own national language and flag.
Second, have develop among our students respect for other cultures and religions besides culture and religion.
International days should be celebrated to teach children to respect the of other nations besides their own national flag.
While celebrating national festivals, we should not describe other nation inferior. The interests of other nations too should be kept in view besides of our It is not considered proper to celebrate the birthdays of the leaders who favoured m nationalism. We should celebrate the birthdays of the leaders who adopted methods for the realization of their aims.
Methods of Development of Internationalism
We will have to effect some changes in the aims of education, curriculum teaching methods and other educational programmes for the education internationalism. We can discuss them under the following headings:
1. Broad Aims of Education: This is necessary for the development internationalism that the aims of education are broad. Besides the aims of child physical, mental, social, cultural, moral and character and vocational development will have to include the aims of development of national integration and international too.
2. Broad Curriculum: The curriculum should be constructed according to aims. The curriculum will have to be made wider for development of internationalism In the subjects geography, history and other social subjects, we will have to incl the geographical conditions, histories and cultures of different countries in the curriculum. It is necessary to tell the students about the institutions and organization of international importance, so they too should be included in the curriculum. Beside co-curricular activities of international standard should be included in it, such celebration of international days, birthdays of leaders of international fame, debate on international topics, cultural programmes based on civilizations and cultures different countries, etc. Language is the basis of these all. We should know our nation language to understand our nation, and national languages of other countries understand them.
3: Reform in Teaching Methods: For the development of internationalism, the children should necessarily have free thinking, free expression, self-confidence and broad attitude, and all these can be developed by proper teaching methods. For it, those teaching methods should be especially adopted in which the children get opportunities to learn by doing and self-experience, and in which the children perform activities with each other cooperation.
4. Reform in Textbooks: Necessary amendments should be done in language textbooks. Such subject-matter should be deleted from them which encourages narrow nationalism. It should include the life sketch and incidences from the lives of international leaders. The natural location of other countries and material regarding their civilization and culture should also be included in them.
5. Equal Behaviour: We should treat the children and objects of other nations, especially their national flags and cultures with respect. We ought to develop the attitude of accepting the good and renouncing the evil. The good can be borrowed from anywhere.
6. Morning Assembly: The school should begin with a 15-minute morning assembly. This should begin with prayers and end with national anthem. The remaining time should be utilized for health discussion, moral education, discussion of different cultures of our and other countries, emotional integration, national integration and need of internationalism, etc. If this time is utilized for presenting the ancient ideals of universal happiness, the children will learn the lesson of universal fraternity. Only slogans cannot achieve it, it should have solid moral basis.
7. International Days: International days should be celebrated in the schools. Each school should have the flags of all nations of the world which should be unfurled at these occasions and play the national anthem of the country. Ten minute time may be given in the morning assembly for this purpose.
8. Speeches of International Leaders: The world has shrunk today, we can got to any place at any time. We should take advantage of this situation and should present the leaders of the country and other nations for delivering speeches. It would give the children opportunities to acquaint themselves with others' views. This task can be done on international days. The tapes of speeches can be played in the absence of persons.
9. Birthdays of International Leaders: We should celebrate the birthdays of top most leaders of the world in schools. We may devote ten minutes in their praise at morning assembly.
10. International Games and Sports: Games and sports should be organized at international level for the development of internationalism. It is generally seen that when a country wins or loses in the competitions of this level, the whole country rejoices or feels sad and each individual looks at the win or loss from national perspective, but it also occurs when two brothers play; it should not create ill-will but competition. The nations progress due to this feeling.
11. Cultural Programmes at International Level: Youth programmes should be organized at international level and all countries should present their respective cultural glimpses. It acquaints the youths with the cultures of different countries, they begin to respect them and it develops internationalism.
12. International Exhibitions: This type of exhibitions can be very helpful in the development of internationalism, such as exhibitions of costume, art, handicraft literature, books, cottage industries, heavy industries, scientific inventions, etc. The w small children take interest in toys made in the country and abroad, so their exhibition should be organized. Through them the children are acquainted with the civilizations e and cultures of the country and abroad, and all this is included in their knowledge and sphere.
13. International Programmes on Radio and Television: Radio and television should relay the programmes which are helpful in the development of internationalism during the period of schools. It is pleasant to note that our government is making efforts in this direction. Newspapers and periodicals too can play a great role in the development of internationalism. We should procure literature of international importance in school libraries and reading rooms.
14. International Friends: We suggest in this regard that children should make friends in other countries by correspondence or internet. When they wish one another from time to time, it would inculcate goodwill in them and it is necessary for the development of internationalism. But this task can be accomplished by a few children only.
15. Exchange of Teachers at International Level: For the development of this spirit, exchange of teachers should be conducted at the international level. This programme can be adopted at the university level. When the teachers of one country visit another country, it expands their cultures and the right picture of the world is presented before the students.
16. Arrangement of Studies at International Level: The need for the students of one country to visit another for studies is being felt. We can see that the students who study in other countries love them as much as their own countries. This task may not be possible at a large scale, but it can be certainly expanded.
17. Foreign Tours: The only way to get rid of narrowness is to come out of the circle. The world vision is necessary for getting rid of narrow nationalism. Though this facility cannot be granted to all students, yet some students can certainly make it, while other students can benefit from it by their experiences. Visiting the country and abroad naturally develops the experience of unity in the world. We should make efforts in this direction.
Special Mention
The matter of development of internationalism is being considered all over the world, but the fact remains that the more we cry for it, the less it is achieved. We feel that each gives out the slogan of internationalism only to make other inactive Disarmament and coexistence are only political slogans, the world is at the brink o the third world war. If we want to save ourselves from the destruction of this war, we will have to adopt the principle of coexistence in its proper sense. The whole world must understand this fact that if a nation is helpful in the development of other nations all nations will progress with one another's cooperation, else they will continue to spend their income on wars, and God forbid, if the third world war takes place, the whole world would see its end.
We will have to acquaint our children with this attitude. The most effective Ones effort will be to make them understand, if we do not think of others' interest, those nations will not involve themselves in our interest. We should relate religion to all this. Our religion tells us that the whole mankind is one, the whole world is like a family, and we should live together with love. By awakening love for the whole mankind, we can develop the spirit of internationalism. For it, the schools and other informal agencies will have to cooperate. The teachers will have to play the most vital role in it; they should come out of narrowness to march towards universal brotherhood, only then they can teach their students the lesson in world brotherhood.
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